6 ୨ৎ

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Dashes of pink sparkles hit the wall as the sun reflected off of Liana's dress like a disco ball.

"Do you think it's too much?" Colette asked as she looked at her hair in the mirror.

"Definitely not, you look so good." Liana responded. Her hair was in a slicked back bun and she had pink eyeshadow to match her dress. She carried a white clutch purse and wore white Dior kitty heels.

As she was spraying her her Chanel no. 3 she hears a knock at the door. Liana looks at Colette with widened eyes. Liana has never been to something so formal before so she didn't know what to expect. Liana fixed her lipgloss in the mirror before heading out.

"Want one?" Colette said as she swallowed a pill of molly. Colette was wearing her navy dress with her hair down paired with Chanel earrings. She also wore black pumps to go with the dress.

"Im good, if anything exciting happens tonight I definitely want to experience it sober." Liana said as she smiles and Colette smiled back. Another 3 knocks were made at the door. "Coming!" Liana exclaimed. She blew Colette a kiss before leaving the dorm.

As she went through the door she had to strain her neck to look up at him.

"You look.. elegant." Farleigh said as his scanned Liana's figure up and down. Liana loved how he didn't know how to give compliments.

"And so do you." Liana said with a smile. They interlinked arms and started heading to the ball.

⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆

"Wow... Miss May, well don't you just look spectacular." Oliver said as he grabbed Liana's hand and twirled her around. Liana giggled at the comment. Farleigh looked over his shoulder and snarled at the fact that Oliver was being flirtatious.

Everyone at the event was either dancing, sitting down bored because they didn't go with someone, having the time of their life or drinking their feelings away.

"Ollie wheres Felix?" Liana shouted because the music was over powering her.

"Oh, he went somewhere with Annabelle. I predict they'll be back in around 15 minutes or so." Oliver said as he winked at Liana.

"Not suprised.. well, I want to see him when he gets back." Liana stated.

"Noted." Said Oliver.

Liana went back to Farleigh as he was talking to his friends at the seats.

"I'm just going to steal him, thank you!" Liana smiled as she grabbed Farleigh's hand and brought him to the dance floor. They started dancing together and Liana was being Farleigh's number one hype woman and vice versa. Liana was impressed that Farleigh could dance so well.

Felix was seen coming back into the hall and he slowly walked up to Liana with his hands in his pockets. She turned around with a smile and hugged Felix. He then joined them.

"Look, I'm sorry for getting so angry today. I've just haven't been in the right mind." Felix said in Liana's ear.

"Oh don't sweat it. I'm sorry I even said that." Liana responded. Felix gives a soft smile at her before complimenting her dress. Felix danced for a little bit before returning to Annabelle.

"I'm tired, let's go sit down and have a drink." Liana said. Farleigh grabbed her hand to bring her to the drink station and poured her and himself cups of fruit punch. They sat down at one of the tables with a fancy centrepiece.

The took turns telling each other embarrassing stories that made them laugh so hard they nearly peed.

"You're coming to Saltburn this summer right?" Farleigh asked. Liana payed a visit to Saltburn every summer due to her poor living conditions at home and her strong connection with Felix and his sister. Although Farleigh did not know this.

"Yes, I am." Liana replied. They talked for a while as they finished their drinks. They watched as India nearly threw up on one of the professors. "Oh, that can't be good.. poor girl." Liana said as she covered her mouth to stop her from laughing. So did Farleigh. "Let's go to my dorm. You coming?" Farleigh shook his head with a smirk and took Liana's hand while giving it a kiss.

⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆

"You looked so good today, I choked, I'm sorry. Sometimes I just don't have the words on the spot" Farleigh said watching Liana unlock the door. They both go inside and Farleigh pulls Liana in by her waist.

"Oh, well do you have the words now?" Liana asks teasingly. She watches as he towers over her.

"You looked, so unbelievably sexy. This dress outlines your perfect curves." He says as he pulls her in closer.

"Yeah?" Liana says looking up at him with doe eyes. He smirks at her and he walks her towards the bed. They both fall on the bed and their lips meet.

"I missed how you taste." Farleigh said as he pulled away for a second but continued to kiss her. His hand held her face and his thumb traced her cheek as their lips fell into sync. Liana had a grip on his back then her hands cupped his face.

His hand slowly moved down her body feeling every inch of her skin. He pulled her dress up to her waist revealing her black thigh lace stockings and her black lace thong. He pressed his fingers onto her heat and she let out a small moan between the kisses.

"God you're soaking." He said as he pulled her panties to the side so he could feel her better. He used his thumb to rub her clit slowly gradually increasing in speed edging her to an orgasm.

Liana became restless, begging for him to let her finish. Farleigh slowly inserted two fingers into her vagina going in and out. He started off slow but increasing the pace. He became hard himself watching Liana squirm from pleasure. He slowly rubbed her clit with his thumb while fingering her to watch her moans grow gradually louder.

"Far- Farleigh please, I'm gonna cum." Liana said between moans. Farleigh grabbed Liana's face to make eye contact with him as he pumped her with his fingers faster. Her legs quivered as she finished with his fingers inside of her, she let out one last moan as the orgasm throbbed throughout her body.

Farleigh gave her a kiss on the forehead before helping her undress and put on her black silk pyjamas. He then went to the bathroom to fix himself up before going to the door to leave.

"You're leaving?" Liana asked confusingly.

"I thought I wouldn't be able to stay because of Col, or you didn't want me to." Farleigh responded.

"Don't be silly. Of course I want you to stay and Col wouldn't mind. Plus I think she might be staying with her date. Come here." Liana said. Farleigh smiles and undress into his undergarments before getting in bed with Liana. She wraps her arms around his large torso and reaches over to turn the lamp off.

"Goodnight Li."

"Night Far."

word count: 1180

A/N: i'm so sorry this took me ages to upload, i have been deathly sick and bed bound lolll but enjoy the first smut in the story😋

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