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"Goodmorning sexy." Colette giggled as she sipped her coffee and puffed her cigarette. She was expecting to see a scene like this happen.

"Oh shit, what's the time?" Liana exclaimed while looking up at Farleigh sleeping, she thought he looked so peaceful.

"10:45, you're good. All lectures are cancelled today because of the graduation ceremony remember?" Colette said as she sprung up and put her coffee down. Liana tilted her head slightly at the information. "Ooh! I forgot to do laundry. Jeez, I got so fucking carried away last night. That was absolutely insane." Colette said. She was a huge clean freak and always wanted everything spick and tidy.

"Well it sounds like you had a good night as well." Liana said as she winked at Colette and she stuck her tounge out as a response.

"Are you getting out of bed anytime soon?" Colette asked from the small compartment where they stored their washing machine and dryer.

"Due to classes being cancelled and it being really warm in bed. I guess not." Liana said as she giggled went back under the covers to hug Farleigh.

"Alright, well once I'm done with these clothes I'm going to go hang with Theo."

"Theo? Which one is that again?" Liana said as she pulled the covers off her face.

Colette threw a dry shirt at Liana's face for the sarcasm and giggled.

"Oi! Theo is the guy I've been seeing, the one two dorms down." Colette sighed.

"Oh, right. Well Im sleeping. Goodnight Col."

"Goodmorning Li!!"

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His curly soft hair shined a light brown when the sunlight hit it. Liana watched as his chest rose up and down from taking breaths in his sleep. She thought about how much of a heavy bloody sleeper he was. She gave him a kiss on the cheek before getting up to get herself some cream coffee opposite to Colettes black coffee.

Liana sat cross legged at the two seater table wearing her pink lace panties and her white floral print bralette while sipping her coffee. She had to admit, he was really fucking hot. Another beautiful thing about him though, was that even though he could be a total dickhead towards many people, when it came to people he cared about, you could tell he cared about him.

Farleigh slowly fluttered his eyes open.

"Morning sleepyhead.. well I never pictured you to be such a heavy sleeper." Liana said as she took a sip, she was looking outside to the courtyard as her dorm was situated on the second level, close to Olivers.

"Morning... What's the time even?" Farleigh asked as he sat on the edge of the bed squinting and rubbing his eyes.

"It's just about 2:30. Also, grad ceremony. 3:30." Liana said.

"Well thats awesome." Farleigh said as he walked up to Liana grabbing her waist and pressing her ass against his morning-wood. She gasped at the feeling of his huge dick through his boxers rubbing up against her.

He began kissing her neck slowly gradually getting to her lips as Liana bends her neck and she has to stand on her tippy toes just for their lips to meet.

They kiss for a couple seconds before Liana pulled away.

"I know exactly what you're doing and I'm not falling for it, well at least not this time because we both have somewhere to be in an hour Far." She said as she cheekily slapped the boys face and went to her closet. Farleigh went to dress as well.

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