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"I asked you if you had a spare key and you said yes!" Liana said as she gave Colette an annoyed look but a small smirk as well.  She then let Colette into the dorm. The air was hot, skin was sweaty and it was 6:00pm. The party  started at 7 so they had exactly 1 hour and 30 minutes to get ready because they would never be first at the party.

"I bought some christmas costumes at the shops, take a look" Colette gestured to the white plastic bag laying on the night table. Liana grabs the bag to reveal whats inside.

"My god." Liana says with a wide smile. She holds up a tight green sparkly skirt added on with a sparkly red tube top. She then also pulled out a small tinsel red, white and green headband with a little hat on it. "How cute" she giggled. "And you will be wearing?"

"Oh, just this." Colette pulls out a red party city skirt topped with a white crop top and a Santa hat. Colette looks at Liana and grabs both of her hands. They both start squealing with excitement.

"Pre shots?" Liana asks. Colette nods her head in response. While Colette is straightening her hair Liana pulls out these pink sparkly plastic shot cups and fills them up with melon vodka. "Here you are sexy" Liana passes one shot to Colette and they both down the heartburning liquid in sequence. "Time for me to get ready as well.

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If you were sleeping in your dorm you could hear the duo's heels clicking in the hallways from miles away. It was now 8:09pm and the campus was silent except for one part.

"Who's party is this anyway?" Liana asked.

"I think its that second year Arthur Fernsby. He vomited in that girls hair at supper that one time remember?"

"No I do not? What the fuck, it's bollocks that a kid that honked in a girls hair can throw such a big party. Oh, and look, they even have their own fake fucking bouncers." Liana chuckled as she gave Colette the can-you-fucking-believe-this look.

"Names please." The fake bouncer inquired. Liana didn't think that he was even fit to be a one. He had gingery curly hair, a skinny build and freckles. Liana giggled at the thought.

"Liana May"

"Colette Baker"

The bouncer skims across the paper attached to a clipboard. He looks up at the girls and nods.

They enter the party and were immediately greeted with a wild atmosphere. The floor was buzzing with the bass. The smell of hard liquor filled the air. The flashing lights synced with the music. Many unfamiliar faces filled the crowd, except one.

"Liana" Farliegh said acknowledging her presence. "Well don't you look nice" He stated in his American accent as he grabbed her hand an twirled her around.

Liana met Farleigh through Felix of course. Their first impressions of each other were not the best but they eventually got to know each other and realise they have a lot in common. Liana thinks that he is quite attractive but doesn't know if he thinks the same.

Farleigh invites Liana to get some drinks at the table. She follows him and he hands her a red cup filled up half way with tequila.

"So no chaser?" Liana interrupted before Farleigh could down his drink. He looks at her unimpressed. Like he expects her to chug a cup of straight tequila.

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