chapter fifteenth

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Ashton's pov

When I left home today, I could not have predicted how badly my morning would go, but I should've expected more bullshit.

Just when I was finally letting guard down and enjoying my time with Joliè, I just had to look over and see Rylee sitting down with Andrew in the corner of the same damn brunch spot.

"You have got to be fucking shitting me right now" I mumbled to myself as my mood darkened quickly.

I have never felt more guilty then I did right now. Why do I feel guilty? Because Rylee was staring me down like I was cheating on her.

Imagine staring daggers into your ex when you're the one who actually cheated. Tuh. That's so fucking insane, as if I could ever cheat.

On the other hand, my heart felt like I was caught. Stupid traitorous bitch.

I quickly tried to avert my eyes, but that's when he saw me.

When Drew looked over at me, I froze. I haven't seen him in so long, he had grown out his hair and his beard. He looked crazy.

When we made eye contact, all I could hear was static. I couldn't look away. It was like he was trying to use our telepathy to talk to me and I was doing everything in my power to block him.

"Ashton, I am going to take your hand before you drop your fork, okay? Blink once if you can hear me" I heard Joliè's voice echoing very distantly in my head.

I tried hard to blink, though I couldn't tell you if I actually did. I never even noticed my hands were shaking until I felt Joliè's hand move over mine.

I instantly started to feel more grounded.

I saw Joliè move in front of me and stare deep into my eyes then she said something in French that I didn't quite catch.

Her thumb was rubbing over my knuckles as I slowly came down for the dark cloud I was sitting on. When I finally looked back into her eyes, I finally heard what she was saying.

"Concentrez-vous sur moi, mon amour" She whispered.
(Focus on me, my love)

I immediately got embarrassed and started to gay panic because why is she talking to me in French with that sultry voice? She knows what the hell she's doing.

"Fuck, I'm so sorry. I need to go, can we go?" I said quickly while I grabbed my napkin and wiped my face off. I needed to be anywhere but here.

"Absolutely, yes. I will meet you outside?" She said as she watched my every move.

I nodded before I grabbed my purse and basically ran out of the restaurant and into my car where I proceeded to scream into the ether to let out all of my pent up emotions.

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