[2.] 𝙷𝚊𝚣𝚋𝚒𝚗 𝙷𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚕

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Quinn walked down the somewhat familiar road, looking at all the chaos going on around her. Fires blazing, people screaming, gun shots, crackheads running around, fights, people fucking, you name it.

This was Hell alright.

She sighed, pulling her bag closer to her. "Guess this place haven't changed." She looked up to the tall vertical building counting down the days until the next extermination. "They're still doing that?" She wasn't surprised. This place was overcrowded, but she used to always wonder how her parents and her were able to escape the extermination every year. She shrugged. She's just glad they did. Quinn kicked an empty can down the sidewalk, letting her mind wander. It's been so long since she's been here and not much has changed. She then thought of a certain someone. "Angel..." She stopped and looked up at the big pentagon in the red sky just... thinking about her old friend. She huffed. They didn't exactly leave things on a good note. She wondered if he was around, if he had been rehabilitated, how was he, what is he doing now, how did he take her disappearance, will he remember her or if he... was dead.

She gulped at that last thought. They might've not seen each other for a while and he said a few hurtful things, but she would never want him to be dead. "Maybe I'll run into you... wouldn't that be something?"

She continued down the sidewalk and saw two people eating another person. They hissed at her for looking at them, and she yelped, running away. After she stopped running for a bit, she saw another person sitting on a bench and decided to ask for help. She knew the place but then not so much, so she thought it would just be better to see if someone would help her. She had no idea where she was really going.

"Excuse me sir, can you-!"

"Fuck off!!"

Quinn sped walk away quickly. She huffed. "Jeez. Why is everyone so mean?" She shoved her hands in her jacket pockets then continued walking, wondering where exactly she was going. Not paying attention, she bumped into someone, making them drop the papers they were holding. "I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you!" she said, helping the person pick up the fallen papers. "I didn't mean to bump into you," she said, grabbing the last paper. "It's okay," responded the person.

She stood up, finally looking at the person while giving them the last paper. It was a girl with what seemed to be a hotel attendant outfit on. She had long blonde hair and big yellow eyes with red pupils. "Thanks for helping me with the papers!" She smiled. Finally, a nice person. Quinn smiled a bit. "You're welcome."

The girl observed Quinn with her eyes narrowed. "I've never seen you around here before, are you new?" the girl asked, curious. "Uh..." Quinn didn't know if telling a girl she just met that she was from a different ring was a good idea. It would only raise suspicions and more questions she would rather not answer. "You can say that." Quinn scratched her head, smiling gently. The girl smiled back taking her, hand shaking it. "Well, welcome to Hell! I'm the Princess of Hell and my name is Charolette Morningstar, but you can call me Charlie! What's yours?" Charlie asked excitedly. Quinn blinked at her.

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