[4.] 𝙾𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎

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I groaned, rolling over on the comfortable bed. I slowly woke up, feeling arms around me. I was going to freak out, but then I remembered all the events of yesterday and Angel had fallen asleep with me yesterday after us catching up. I looked at him sleeping peacefully and gently smiled. There was a knock on the door. "Quinn, when you and Angel are up, come downstairs. Alastor is going to show us the commercial he made," said Vaggie. I knew it was her. "Okay." I heard her leave then looked back at Angel. I combed through his hair gently and he groaned, moving a bit in his sleep. "Angel, wake up." He rolled over letting me go then pulled the covers more up on him. "Mm, don't want to," he said. "Well, too bad. You have to." I got out of the bed and stretched.

Angel groaned again, rolling back over. I looked to see Angel glaring at me from under the covers and sighed. "Don't be mad at me. Vaggie said we're watching the commercial Alastor made downstairs." I went over to my dresser and began looking for something to change into. "Fine." Angel finally sat up, yawning. I grabbed two outfits then came back to the bed and put them down, observing them.

Angel pointed to the one on the right

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Angel pointed to the one on the right. "This one would make you look hella sexy, rawr," he flirted now his playful self. He looked at me playfully smirking while on his stomach and kicking his back legs. I threw my pillow at him. "Be quiet you spider, go get dressed."

"What? I can't call the puppy sexy?" He asked moving the pillow chuckling then smirked at me. I rolled my eyes. I didn't really like that nickname. "You better stop calling me that!" I declared. "Never mind, you're all bite!" he stated. "You're something else," I responded. "Why thank you, baby!" He jumped off the bed and we both finished getting ready.

Once done, we both went downstairs having light conversation about what this so-called commercial was going to be about. "Good morning everyone!" I said once by the others. Charlie and Vaggie sat on one couch together, Alastor stood next to the TV, Husk was at the bar and Nifty... I don't know. Angel and I sat down on the other couch. Well, more like I was sitting and Angel was laying all on me. "Good morning you two!" waved Charlie. "Have a good night rest?" she asked. "I did, thanks to you. Now, what's this commercial you were talking about?" I asked. "It's to advertise the hotel and get more recruits in. Alastor, was about to show us what he got," responded Vaggie. I nodded in understanding then looked at the TV.

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