[3.] 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝙱𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢

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Not an ACTUAL chapter. I'm just explaining Quinn's and Angel's backstory a bit more. I MIGHT actually make a chapter about their backstory. This backstory COULD POSSIBLY change as the book goes on.

Quinn met Angel one day when she was out trying to get some supplies for her dad when he first descended to Hell. Angel and Quinn had talked for a minute until Angel told Quinn he was new and didn't have anywhere to stay or know anything. Quinn decided to take him back home with her and luckily, her parents let Angel stay with them.

As time went by, Angel and Quinn got closer and Quinn's parents looked at Angel as one of their own. Angel and Quinn also started to get into mischief, such as starting fights, participating in turf wars, going to clubs, smoking, doing drugs, etc. During the exterminations, Angel and Quinn always stayed safe with her parents. Only her parents truly knows how.

Angel and Quinn were always there for each other though thick and thin. They've made each other laugh, cry, mad and even wish they could've met sooner. Their relationship was so strong, and they were always seen together that people mistaken them as a couple.

Now, Angel did have feelings for Quinn romantically when they started hanging out, but they turned into a 'I want to protect this person with my life and keep them around because they complete me' type of feeling.

So, it was cool. Life was great. Well, as great as it could be while living in hell.

All until one day.

Because they were in hell, Angel felt as if he should be able to do anything, but Quinn tried to tell him that wasn't the case. The two friends argued. Angel threw some hurtful words at the girl while she did too, glare, then ran out.

Angel couldn't believe what happened, so he went drinking that night and did some drugs.

Quinn came home after her breakdown and saw her parents dead. She ran over to them crying, but then saw a man declaring he was her original ring leader. This man introduced himself as Azel. Not wanting to leave, Quinn put up a fight, but Azel threatened Quinn, saying that he was going to kill Angel if she didn't come with him. He then explains how he watched her and her family for a minute, saying how they were all runways from their home. He knew how much Angel meant to the girl and used that to his advantage. Furthermore, he made a contract with her declaring that he wouldn't hurt Angel if she came with him and became his.

Quinn signed the contract and left with him sadly while he smirked evilly.

Angel stumbled home later that day only to see Quinn's parents dead bodies covered in bugs, the house a mess and no Quinn. He searched for her but couldn't find her. He cried and blamed himself for her disappearance.

Valentino comes to Angel declaring that he knows where the girl was. He honestly did know since him and Azel were plotting on the two from the sidelines and were friends, but he was tricking Angel.

You see, Valentino noticed Quinn because of her mark. He knew that only Melancholy ring dwellers have that mark and told his friend, Azel, he lost some doggies. Azel was furious, so they began plotting on the two. Azel kills Quinn's parents and takes Quinn, while Valentino takes Angel. They were to make sure that the two weren't able to see another again.

Their plan worked and Angel signed the contract that Valentino said would 'help him find the girl' because he was so sad and desperate to find Quinn. Also, he was drunk and a little high, so his mind wasn't thinking right. It, of course, was a trap and now Angel belong to Valentino and he was sad about not being able to find Quinn.

Both so close yet so far away.



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