[8.] 𝙷𝚞𝚛𝚝 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝

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"YOU FUCKING MUTT!" Valentino smacked Quinn harshly across her cheek making her let out a yelp and stumble back, hitting her side on the table.

Tears gathered at her eye line, but she tried to blink them away while rubbing her bruised cheek. Her ears flattened, and her tail went between her legs. "Who the FUCK do you think you are?!" Val was absolutely pissed. He started to walk towards her, and she got from in front of the table walking backwards terrified of the man in front of her. "I'm sorry Val, I didn't mean to- he was being too rough, and it was hurting me." Tears finally fell from her eyes, making Val look at her in disgust. "Maybe you haven't got the memo, so, let me refresh your brain." He smirked evilly. "No, please! I do understand!" He laughed, and his smoke made cuffs around her wrists, tying her arms behind her back.

Val grabbed her robe. "Please no, I didn't mean to!" He lifted her up then slammed her on the couch in her room. He growled at her. "Shut up!!! Stop all your bitch ass whining and crying! You're giving me a fucking headache!" She sniffled and nodded. He got in between her legs and started to pet her. "You know, you're gorgeous, chiquita. Since you're gorgeous, people wants to see you and pay me a bunch of money to." He started choking her. "P-please."

"Which means I fucking own you! Or have you forgotten?" He glared down at her, and the gold contract appeared next to Val with her name signed at the bottom of it. "N-no." The contract disappeared. "That means if I tell you to do something, you will. If I want you to get fucked by a big group of guys, you will.  If I pick a kink to use, you will. If I say to keep going, you will." He got closer to her and growled in her face. "I don't care how much it hurts or how tired you are. You will always take it and say..."

"I-I was j-just-!"

"And you say?"

She stared at him trying her best to find her words to not upset him more. "Yes, Val." Val let her go and air was granted to her. She greedy took in air. Val gently caressed the side of her face slowly. She looked at him, scared of what his next move was. He grabbed her face and she felt his claws. She also saw him leaning in, she knew what was coming. He kissed her. She closed her eyes tightly. She absolutely hated when he kissed her. It was always messy and forced. She mentally screamed, and kicked a bit. He pushed himself up, licking his lips, smirking while she looked at him a bit dazed through glossy eyes. Pink drool fell from the side of her mouth. He wiped her mouth, then got off her, yanking her up. The cuffs around her wrists disappeared, and he growled at her while she looked hopeless. "Now, get out there and don't make me mad again," he warned. "Yes, Val." He pulled her out her dressing room while she stumbled behind him. "Okay, you fuckers! We're taking it from the top!" He threw her towards the bed.

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