[6.] 𝚂𝚌𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚍 𝙴𝚐𝚐𝚜

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There were banging noises as Charlie hung up a banner that said 'Happy First Week, Sir Pentious' up with the help of Razzle, Dazzle and Vaggie. "That looks perfect!" Charlie praised from the top of the ladder. Vaggie held on to the bottom of the ladder so she didn't fall. "Aagh! I'm sooo excited that Sir Pentious is staying at the hotel," Charlie said happily. Vaggie stepped back. "Um... Pentious was just trying to take over the city with his weird steampunk bullshit a few days ago," she reminded Charlie. Charlie came down the ladder. "Well, I haven't seen him try to pull any of that here," Charlie retorted.

There were squeaking noises and in came Sir Pentious pushing a big weapon as his Egg Bois rode on top of it. Charlie looked at it shocked while Vaggie got mad. "What the hell is that?" she asked. "Oh, hello, purple female!" Sir Pentious looked at her and waved, then bowed to her. "It's my new invention, the 'Skin Flayer 11,000'. I'm really looking forward to shooting the other residents," he said. "What? Why?" Charlie asked, genuinely curious. "Everyone is being too nice. Obviously, it must be a lie," he stated, shrugging. "I can sense they are planning to kill me, but when? How? I must be prepared!" He declared, dramatically. He looked to see two other girls with boxes come into the hotel.

"Ooh, the new parts of my machine are here," he said excitedly, going over to the girls. The first one gave him a clipboard with a paper to sign, while the other put the boxes to the side. "Sign, please." Pentious signed the paper then gave it back to her. "Thank you for your business. Enjoy your Carmine purchase." The two girls left.

Pentious wheeled the parts away while humming happily. "Carmine? As in Carmella Carmine. You are buying parts from an Overlord?" asked Vaggie. "Err, of course. She's the top weapons dealer in Hell," Pentious stated. "Okay, well, that stops right now." Vaggie took the weapons away. "Hey!" Pentious didn't like she was trying to take away his stuff and 'protection'. Vaggie turned back towards him. "You absolutely cannot build weapons in this hotel. No one is trying to kill you. People are being nice because they want you to feel welcome." Vaggie stated irritated by his behavior with her arms folded.

Sir Pentious looked at her with a look showing he wasn't convinced from behind his invention, where he was hiding. He glanced at the others.

Husk was at the bar downing a bottle then put up his middle finger looking at him. Angel was sitting in front of the bar, scrolling on his phone. He looked, putting up a middle finger smirking. Quinn sat next to Angel in front of the bar. She looked up from her phone (because she has one now) and raised a brow, low-key judging. Nifty was cleaning but then turned around, letting out a heinous laugh and smiling evilly.

"Hmm. I have my doubts," stated Sir Pentious. "Well, it's true," backfired Vaggie. "You have to trust us." Pentious folded his arms. "But I don't." Charlie thought for a bit. "Well, why don't we focus on that for today's activities?" She suggested, going to stand next to Pentious. Pentious hissed. "Not before we lay some ground rules," added Vaggie. "No more building weapons. No more plotting against other guests. And you need to get rid of these things." Vaggie pointed to the Egg Bois and two were fighting over a laser. The laser went off, shooting up and making a hole in the ceiling. The Egg Bois jumped down while one put the laser down, looking at the hole in shock like he didn't cause it.

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