Chapter 5

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What the fuck? Austin has been tailing me all day. I eat, he’s there. I train, he trains. Taking out the damn garbage and what do you know. I catch him standing at the door, watching me. I’m in the middle of buttering my bread in an empty kitchen when who shows up? You guessed it, Austin!
“Okay, let’s stop pretending I don’t notice you shadowing me and you come clean. Why have you been following me around all day?”
He grabs the bread and steals my cheese; I open the fridge with a huff, taking out another slice.
“What, I can’t be hungry at the same time as you?”
Slamming the frying pan down, I glare, moving around him to reach for my buttered bread.
“Fine, you don’t have to admit it, but I’m not going to pretend it’s not obvious. You’re a shitty spy.”
“It’s the environment, not my skills.”
“Ha! I knew it!”
I see the moment he realizes how I manipulated the truth out of him; it wasn’t hard.
“Fine, whatever, I promised Wrath I’d keep an eye on you. Dayzues is dangerous.”
That makes me roll my eyes. I can’t even pretend to be offended. I’m completely used to Wraths' obsessive behavior. I change the subject, seeing no use of fighting it.
“Where’s Jacob?”
It’s odd not seeing him around. I really notice his absence lately.
“He spends a lot of time with that oracle.”
Ewe, I don’t know how he can stand to look at that thing, let alone converse with it. If they even can. I haven’t got close enough to peek under its hood, but I shudder at the thought of what lurks underneath. 
Sitting down, I begin pulling apart the hot sandwich and take a bite, savoring the gooey center. Grilled cheese has always been a comfort food to me. I guess one good thing has come from this mess; I got my appetite back. Actually, I’ve gained eleven pounds in the last week alone. I touch my cheeks at the thought, their fullness reassuring me I’m on the mend. My legs are thicker, too, but that’s from the weights. It’s funny, I never would have imagined myself here, doing this. I’m not sure if it’s the right description, but I think I’m proud of myself.
“Well, I’m going to have a shower. I think you will be fine?”
Austin spooks me with his question. I forgot he was here and had completely gone off in my head. I paste a reassuring smile on my face. They’re starting to feel less forced. Yet another sign things are looking up.
“Right as rain.”
I start on my second half when he leaves, savoring every bite. I’ve been gaining weight a little too fast and think it’s time to cut some carbs out. A brilliant thought escapes my subconscious. Maybe if I gained enough weight, Wrath would lose interest? My brow lifts at the possibility.
“Woman, you could weigh a ton, and it would change nothing. My interest in you goes far beyond vanity.”
I swallow my bite, but it goes down hard because of a suddenly dry mouth. He’s behind me. I can feel him like a dark cloud in my clear sky. My shoulders bunch, the tension locking every muscle.
“A little late, are you not? Don’t think I’m going to be staying longer than we agreed. This wasn’t my fault. I was ready.”
I slowly turn when he doesn’t say anything. Looking at him full-on is intimidating, something you have to prepare for. Damn it, I hope that thought wasn’t readable. I get a side shot, and my eyes widen at his appearance. Whoa! He looks so?… tired.
“Don’t worry, I have only come to get you, not strike anymore deals.”
I release my pent-up breath before turning back around. Keeping silent is my safe zone around him. That and sarcasm. As I put my dish in the sink and leave the kitchen, he follows me to Amanda’s room. I can’t help but be nervous. A quick glance tells me he’s leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, watching me. Amanda answers my knock, pulling the buds from her ears. When she spots Wrath, it becomes obvious why I’m here. She leans in to hug me, and I stand there awkwardly. Hugs aren’t my thing, but Amanda has never cared. The world needs more Amanda’s. I can feel his heated gaze on my back, and I’m already dreading the next couple of days. I would never admit it, but  I’m oddly curious about Wrath and what he’s been up to.
“Take good care of her!”
I roll my eyes at Amanda, making her chuckle.
“See you soon.”
Her eyes widen, and I do a double take. What was that for? Not the expression I was expecting. She bites her lip, nodding. I look back behind me, but Wrath is still there, just standing. There’s nothing out of the ordinary, so why the odd look? I brush it off, turning to my jailer.
“Well, let’s go.” He grabs my shoulder, and I feel my body becoming light, preparing for the phenomenon that is essentially transportation. He’s deadly quiet when we materialize at his home. I look around at the familiar dining hall. It’s where I first reluctantly agreed to this crazy situation.
“Are you hungry?”
Seriously? he just saw me eat. I screw my face up, looking at him, and he lifts his lip in an awkward smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. What’s with the fakeness. Wrath doesn’t do fake. That’s something I can always count on. Well, that and a cocky attitude.
“Make yourself at home. Your lessons with Ramone will start tomorrow. He will meet you in the courtyard at nine am.”
He walks away before I realize I don’t know where the courtyard is.
“Wait, where’s that?”
He points toward the back,
“In the garden.”
I watch as he turns the corner. He’s so indifferent. Yet another sign I was reading more into his interest than was there. That should leave me feeling relieved. It’s not like I wanted his attentions. So why do I feel disappointed? Nah, I’m just mildly offended. It’s got to be my ego…
My room is exactly how I left it. The book on my nightstand, my clothing folded and stacked in the top drawer, even my new sketchbook, is sitting at the desk. Things are so dull here. It makes me want to scream at the silence. I lay back on the bed. Thinking a disturbing thought; I would actually welcome Wraths company at the moment. I’m not very comfortable standing idle. Alone with my thoughts has never been good for me.
I hear a shifting outside my door and pop my head up, focusing on the sound. Taking a quick peek from beneath the door, I’m befuddled when I don’t see feet yet. The noise is persistent. I quietly ease my way to the entrance, keeping at the side and pop open the door. A pixie tumbles forward, twisting in the air. “Ooph.” I hear a gush of air. I think I may have winded her. She rights herself hovering above my bed. Her cute spiked red hair jostles back and forth as her wings flutter. Tiny little freckles dust her nose and cheeks. She’s not dressed in white like the other fairies. This one wears leather and a tiny bow strapped to her back. Short arrowheads poke out in a disarray over  the top of her burlap sack.
“Hello!.” She exclaims, obviously angry. Her voice is high-pitched, almost squeaky. The pixie looks more curious than friendly, nothing like Tinker Bell. I remember their tricksters and keep my guard up.
“Hi, what were you doing at my door?”
She circles me, and her wings disrupt the surrounding air, ruffling my hair.
“I’m curious about you, we all are, but I’m the only one with enough guts to go against Wraths demands.”
She puffs up, proud of her bravery. I find her adorable, and I’m just as curious.
“What are Wraths demands?” I ask as She hovers in front of me and rolls her little eyes. The pixie reminds me of myself, pre-fae.
“It would be easier to tell you what we are permitted to do. Breathe.”
I burst out in laughter, making the pixie grin widely. “What’s your name?”
“Lore, I’m an archer!”
I smile at her proud demeanor.
“Is that so? And what do you do on a daily basis?”
She deflates, dropping onto the bed.
“Nothing, until I’m needed, and the light pixies never step out of line. Well, except that one time, that was cool.”
I lift my brow in question, and she explains.
“There was a pixie who bullied one of our smaller dark pixies. One day, she resorted to magic. That’s a big no-no. Magic can only be used on outsiders, never on each other. I chased her to exile with a dozen well-placed arrows, one of which hit its mark. It burrowed deeply into her cheek, coming out the other side. The arrow ripped through her trigeminal nerve, causing permanent damage. She can’t feel her cheek, and the right side of her forehead won’t move. The scar is pretty bad ass, too. We had to cut the arrow in two spots to get it out.”
I wince at the image. To me, it would be no more than a paper cut to a Pixie a devastating gash.
“I think it’s suiting she has a scar that mars her pretty face. Since she’s so ugly inside. I had to talk more than one pixie out of exile because of her.”
Fair enough, I like this girl. She’s got spunk.
“What do you do to keep from going insane with boredom?”
She thinks about it before answering with a shoulder shrug.
“Play tricks, tell stories. Most of the other pixies have jobs that keep them busy. Like gatherers or entertainers. The rest of the lot are gossip mongers. Both light and dark faery is full of drama.”
Lore Hovers around the room, snooping through my things with no scruples. I catch myself before I ask a very stupid and irrelevant question out of plain curiosity. There’s no good reason to know whether wrath has a girlfriend.
“Your meeting Ramone tomorrow. Are you nervous?”
She sits on my book with her elbows on her knees. I respond with an honest answer.
“No, should I be?”
She shrugs, flying toward me. I hold out my hand to offer a chair of sorts. Lore eyes me, then my hand before accepting. I get the feeling that her acceptance has a deeper meaning than I realize.
“He’s a unique individual, and if he gives you a bad report, Wrath could get angry with you.”
“Ha, bring it!” I quip sharply. Her wings flutter with excitement. We talk for hours before she leaves.
Through her, I get a different view of life here, and I believe I have made a friend, or possibly an ally. According to Lore, I haven’t been properly accepted yet, and that makes me uneasy…
The next day…
“I feel like I’m in school. When am I going to actually try any of these?”
Ramone sighs for the millionth time. I don’t know how he can get so frustrated so quickly. The guy isn’t cut out to teach anything.
“When you can grasp the concept of how magic’s work, we can move on to the next step.”
Blah blah blah
“This is boring, what’s to get?”
He slams the bookquickland says;  “Fine, oh great one, take on my appearance.”
My eyes narrow at him, and he smirks.
“Exactly, now shut your beak and listen!”
Asshole, even so, I do as I’m told. I don’t know how long we stay in the garden. I repeat back to him things I’ve learned and answer repetitive questions. Wrath shows up and dismisses Ramone right in the middle of a conversation. Ramone listens with no complaints. I watch, dumbfounded by his complete obedience. When we’re alone, Wrath sits on the bench across from me? I can’t fathom why, but he looks pissed.
“You didn’t show for dinner. Why?”
Yep, definitely angry, I frown and almost slip up, telling him about the pixie he’s not supposed to know visited. Then again, maybe he already knows. I take a chance at hiding it.
“No one told me.”
He frowns back at me, his wheels turning.
“You didn’t leave your room at all. I don’t want you hiding out while you’re here.”
I don’t know why, but it makes me defensive. It’s not like he rolled out the welcome matt. He barely said two words yesterday, and the time before that, he wasn’t even here. He makes me sound like a scared mouse hiding away, and I can’t stand him bossing me around anymore. I can’t believe he expects so much from me, but gives nothing in return. It’s all. Do this, be here. He never says please or strikes up a normal conversation. I remember what the pixie said last night and something inside snaps.
“Who the fuck do you think you are!”
I jump up at the same time he does taking it a step further, getting in his face to show him he doesn’t scare me anymore. Maybe it’s stupid. Actually, I’m sure it is, but I’ve been through enough with men to know if you don’t take a stand, they’ll keep pushing until there’s nothing left of you.
“I may have agreed to be here, but I did not agree to being treated like a child. I’m a grown fucking woman and if you want my company, you can ask for it like a grown fucking man. Not a spoiled brat! I don’t serve you, I serve myself!”
His nostrils flare, and he looks down at me. My throat tightens as I hold back a nervous swallow. I do not want to show my fear, but his size and silence are enough to make me terrified. Let alone the expression he’s casting my way. He unfolds his arms and steps toward me. I back up with a squeak. So much for holding my own. His hand snakes out around the back of my neck so quick I have no time to react.
“If you served me, you would be on your knees right now and your mouth would be too full to formulate your hurtful words.”
I gasp at his suggestive threat and his hand grips tighter, painfully pulling at my hair. We’re extremely close, yet our only point of contact is his massive hand that has slid from my neck and into my hair.
“Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness, Rosa. It wouldn’t take much to make my desires a reality. Whether or not you wish it.”
He releases me with a push that makes me stumble back into the wall with my mouth open and my heart slamming against my chest like a jackhammer. I contemplate what he meant by that last statement, but all I can think is; Boy, am I in trouble!

Claiming Rosa (Book 2) Jacobs Broken Mercenaries Where stories live. Discover now