chapter 19

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It freaks me out when he stays in Everest’s form, but I think he knows that it’s why he’s doing it.
The asshole couldn’t even wait until the fight was over. At least that’s one big player off the board. I still don’t understand why he’d leave a very significant and crucial battle just to take me to this wasteland. Especially since I’ve already agreed. The plane is destitute, and that’s saying a lot coming from me. I grew up in some rough neighborhoods.
“Why now? I already agreed to the terms, what’s the rush?”
Go figure, I’m being ignored. I stop following him, standing with my arms folded. He takes a few feet to realize I’m not behind him. When he turns to me, the smooth, charming facade disappears.
“The rush is that little fairy of yours tricked me and fucked up all of my plans.”
I can’t hide my smirk. It sounds like we won.
“What does that have to do with me?”
He looks me over like I come up short to his standards.
“My guess is, Wrath won’t let you go so easily… when he comes here for you, I’m going to use you as a bargaining chip. You didn’t honestly think I would choose eternity with you?”
I remind myself not to be offended. The fact I’m not his type is a compliment, but it still strikes a very raw nerve.
“I’m relieved your taste in women is the same as your wealth of knowledge, lacking.”
Oops, he doesn’t view that as a compliment, my bad. Lucifer glares, pulling me along. I begin to wonder what kind of bargain he wants and try to hint at it.
“So, what are your plans now?”
He stops abruptly, causing me to slam into him. The energy seeping from him gives me a full, body-piercing chill. This he appreciates. Of course, he would get joy from someone’s discomfort. He’s Lucifer. He probably eats puppies.
“Are you addled? I just told you.”
I give up, rolling my eyes. Whatever he wants, it can’t be worse than eternity here. He waves his arm and a vast tent appears. Lucifer opens a flap and pushes me in. A bed takes up the space inside. It’s a king-size four post with red silk sheets. My jaw drops and I turn back to him, appalled. His amusement is obvious. A breeze carries through and I shiver. When I look down, my clothing is gone and a sheer dark green slip displays my every curve.
“Give me my clothes back now!”
He looks intrigued, which is even more terrifying. I cover myself and throw one of the dozens of pillows at his head. He dodges it, chuckling.
“Come on, I’m not going to touch you. This is all for Wrath. Play along and you will be home in no time.”
I’m so angry right now, I can’t even look at him. Like any of this is necessary, he just enjoys making everyone miserable.
“He’s arrived.”
I snap my attention back to Lucifer. I’m skeptical, to say the least.
“How do you know?”
His only answer is a look of boredom. I’m obviously agitating him, good. Cause I’m fucking pissed.
We wait in silence. Me with my arms crossed covering my breasts and him leaning against the tent’s entrance, starting at my backside. This is definitely going to be a memory I bury, deeply.
Oh my God, Wrath’s voice bellows, echoing through the air. He’s beyond pissed. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him so irate. The moment I see him, our eyes lock and my body trembles. His chest is rising and falling at a rapid rate, his eyes are dark and the vicious curl to his lip looks dangerous. He looks dangerous. I’d hate to be on the receiving end of that anger. The tent disappears and stars begin to form above me, casting a dreamy glow. I’m plopped on the bed like one of the throw pillows at Lucifer’s will, of course. Wrath charges toward him, and he stands there without a tinge of fear. I’m taken aback by his lack of care. Wrath gets within ten feet of us when he hits an invisible wall and bounces back, skidding on his ass before tumbling backward.
“Hurts, doesn’t it?”
I get up to punch Lucifer in the face, but I’m pushed back by his hand before I can leave the king-size bed. I want to ask if wrath is okay, but I can’t. The douche must have spelled me. I silently watch as Wrath gets up and heads back toward Lucifer.
“Ah, stop right there, unless you want another zap.”
He stops and his jaw twitches like he’s grinding his teeth down to the bone.
“You touch her, I swear I’ll trade my life for an angel’s blade and slice your head clean from hour shoulders.”
He tsks goading wrath with his stale humor.
“I could do worse without a single touch.”
I’m pinned back to the mattress as my legs are spread in the air. Sweat breaks out over my skin despite the chill as I try to break his hold.
“I can make her enjoy it as well. Would you like to see?”
No, no, no, please! Fuck! The feel of hands stroke my thighs as a nervous tremor shakes me. Hot wet pressure eats at my core. I climax in an instant as a throaty moan rips from my throat.
“Stop! What do you want?”
The hold drops and I sit up, gasping for air. I’m too embarrassed to look up. I can feel my cheeks hot with color.
“That’s better, I want access to earth.”
Wrath slams a fist into the ground and I swear I feel the earth shake.
“That’s impossible and you know it. You might as well have asked me to make you into an angel.”
Lucifer begins to pace
“Yes, it’s true you can’t make this happen, but there is something that can, and you killed the one human who got close to retrieving it.”
What? I thought Lucifer was bound to the underworld, no ifs, and, or buts.
“What are you talking about?”
Lucifer smiles, showing his teeth. It’s anything but friendly.
“There is a ring that allows me to spend time on earth intermittently. It’s in the amazon, Robert has paid someone to retrieve it for me, in a trade of my… services.”
And it all begins to make sense.
“Your insane, that’s a fucking fairy tale. You can’t actually believe that will work?”
I smirk when he flinches. I enjoy his embarrassment to the fullest extent.
“It doesn’t matter what I believe, does it? Promise to get me that ring and I’ll forget about our earlier deal. You can take your little fae home and bed her to your heart’s content.”
I glance at Wrath, who seems to study Lucifer like he’s a puzzle with missing pieces. I can relate. I have so many questions I don’t know where to begin.
I snap my head back up, looking between them. I didn’t realize how much I’m actually yearning to be free of this place from him.
“Okay, good!… but if you screw me on this, I’ll take her and make her hurt in ways that will destroy you.”
Wrath growls a warning that disturbs even me.
“You are never to touch her! In fact, don’t even think of her. I’ll get your ring but I will have your binding word that once you have it she’s out of your reach indefinitely.”
Lucifer nods and I can feel the moment his hold on me extinguishes. I run into Wrath’s arms, not giving a damn how cliché it is. Pride aside, I’m so happy to see him. I forget to get my clothes back, but Lucifer has already left. Wrath pulls me back, looking me over, brows curved down in concerned anger.
“Did he touch you?”
I shake my head quickly, trying to calm him.
“The worst he did is… well, you saw the worst he did.”
Wraths lets out a little growl, not near as bad as his earlier reaction. I glance down, embarrassed all over again at the memory. Wrath tips my head up with his fingers under my chin. I can’t believe he came after me, how much he cares for me. I thought… I can’t believe I actually thought I was a tag and bag. He really just didn’t want me to get hurt.
“I’m sorry I went off on my own. I should have talked about it with you first. Part of this stuck in ancient times… Be my queen, forgive me, and stay with me in faery. We can visit earth whenever you like and I will always help your friends.”
I hide my smile, hopefully making him sweat a little, but I already know my answer. His tone is so shy and hopeful it steals my heart once again.
“Yes Wrath, I would live anywhere with you. Well, anywhere but here… and I forgive you.”
He drags me along, his grin is hellish attractive and I can’t wait to get him naked. We materialize to him, no. Our home. The moment we’re alone, he begins to undress what little that covers me. I step back, pushing at his chest.
“Oh no, I think I’ve waited long enough.”
I dodge his advances, giggling with excitement at what’s to come.
“Just a second. What happened to Robert? Was anyone hurt?”
His shoulders drop and he walks slowly toward me like I’m prey. I have to hold back my excitement to focus on what he’s saying.
“Everything went well, better than good, but… no one really knows what happened to Robert and Sphear. They just disappeared.”
I stop ,
“What? How is that good?”
My smile slips and my shoulders bunch.
“But, Lucifer said-”
He interrupts me, massaging my shoulders.
“I don’t believe anything is dead until I see it myself. That doesn’t mean he’s alive and plotting. His magic has been stripped, and he’s incapacitated, that I know to be true, but the rest is unknown, for now.”
I don’t want to leave it at that, but my skin is on fire under his touch. Every nerve ending awakening. I’m finding it hard to concentrate on anything but the cloying need deep in my belly. I turn, grasping him by the neck to bring him to my lips. My hand slips into something wet. I pull back and see blood.
“Oh my God, you're bleeding.”
I push his head back to get a better look and he laughs like I’m amusing him. I’m about to ask him what’s wrong with him, but he tells me it’s not his blood.
“I’m going to clean up. We will continue this directly after.”
I have no intentions of parting with him anytime soon. Especially after gaining a life with him I thought I could never have.
“I’ll come with you.”
His smile is slow and wicked. He lifts me over his shoulder, carrying me up the staircase. When Wrath opens the door, we are both taken aback. The bathroom has been modernized. He sets me down and does a three-sixty. I spot a note by the double sink. It says ‘my first good deed. Dayzues’
Passing Wrath the note I ask;
“You and your brother are on good terms?”
Wrath tosses it and turns on the shower, testing the water. I can see steam begin to pool in the air. My body eases at the anticipation of scorching water on my sore muscles, amongst other things.
“He wishes, now strip!”
I like this light playful side, his authorative one too. Who knew I had a daddy kink. Makes perfect sense with my history of father figures, or lack thereof.
“What are you thinking about that’s got your focus off of me?”
He places his thumbs between my eyebrows, cupping my cheeks and smooth’s them. It’s odd the movement is so innocent, but the soft, loving touch reaches something inside me. In a place, no one has been able to broach since as long as I can remember. His thumb drops to my lower lip and his other hand wraps around my braided hair. A quick tug exposes the column of my neck. I get weak-kneed as he licks his way down. Closing my eyes, I feel him skim my chest as he slips the silk off my shoulders. Wraths, warm rough palms drag down my thighs and wetness floods me like a dam bursting.
“Undress me, love.”
My eyes pop open at the light demand. I eagerly begin with his shirt, exposing his thick chest and drool worthy abs. Wrath’s muscles jump under my heated gaze. I go slower with the belt, staring directly into his eyes. The bulge I wrestle his pants over reminds me of his impressive size, and my thighs clench with anticipation. Teasing him, I pull off his socks, leaving his briefs for last. I stay on my knees looking up at him and bite my lips nervously; he groans.
“Your killing me, Rosa, but it’s worth it. Your beauty is incomparable to anything I’ve had the pleasure of seeing. ”
Smiling, I inch closer and slip his briefs off. The thick erection bobs in front of me. It’s really quite beautiful, sleek, smooth and standing proudly before me. In the center of the ridged head, a bead of semen wells. My curiosity gets the better of me and I wonder what he tastes like. I’ve never done this with another man and my lack of practice gives me second thoughts, but the idea has my mouth watering. I dart my tongue out quickly, licking the bead. Wrath inhales sharply with surprise. His reaction is enough encouragement to spur another lick, longer this time. His taste is unique, salty and earthy all at once. I slip my lips over the head with a long pull, wrapping my tongue around the broad rim. I’m rewarded with a moan and continue my exploration, going deeper, faster. Wrath’s hands find their way into my hair as he follows my movements, bucking into my mouth. He pulls back, creating a loud pop.
“Why did you do that?”
He laughs uncomfortably, looking sheepish.
“If I didn’t, then I wouldn’t be able to do this.”
He lifts me, placing his thick shaft against my core. The hot length slips against the perfect spot as he carries me to the shower. I slide down, loving the feel of his body against mine. He picks up the soap and I steal it away, along with the sponge behind him. I begin to soap him up and he looks at me like I’m a full course meal and he hasn’t eaten in days. I can literally feel his gaze skate across my skin as goose flesh rises over my arms and legs. Wrath pulls me against his chest and I moan at the feel of his warm skin and the hot water. With a quick flick of his wrist, I’m turned around, his thick erection splitting my backside. He takes the soapy sponge, gliding it across my chest. When he cups me, my knees buckle and Wrath has to catch me. Oh my God! How embarrassing, I’m acting like a newbie swooning at a simple touch. My cheeks instantly heat. I’m about to muster an apology when he bites my ear and whispers;
“Your body’s reactions arouse me to painful extents.”
Well, okay then, not so embarrassing now. When his fingers dip between my folds, my head kicks back and I grasp his shoulders. I make a note to always shower together. The feeling is unreal: the soap and heat multiply the pleasure tenfold. I’m definitely a sex in the shower groupie. Wrath turns me toward the stone wall and spreads my arms and feet, keeping his legs outside of mine to stop me from sliding out. Starting at my shoulders, his slick, calloused hands glide down to my hands as he places them on the metal bars above the sunken shelves.
“hold on tightly beauty and don’t let go.”
I can only nod my understanding. The shock of cold against my breasts takes my breath away. He places one of my feet on the shower’s edge and slips between my legs. I scream out when his tongue spreads me, licking up in a slow languid stroke. Wrath’s broad arms wedge between my legs until I’m practically sitting on his shoulders. My nipples bead as they rub against the cold ridges of the stone, creating a delicious friction. His hot tongue strokes me languidly. He slips my clit between his lips. A few pulls of his mouth and I come pushing against his tongue wildly. He keeps going and my legs give out. Wrath drops down and I’m thankful my hands are still tightly clasped around the metal. Before I can turn around, his hands slip over mine and I feel his slick head at my entrance. Wrath enters me slowly. His chest pushes me against the wall. The cold at my front and the heat of him at my back is a delicious contradiction, but it doesn’t last long. Wrath lays back against the wall, sliding down to the floor while still inside me. The scorching water beats against my breasts and I tighten around his shaft. He pumps his hips and I almost come before righting myself.
“Ride me, love.”
His gravely voice makes my eyes hood. Placing my knees on the shower floor, I ride him reverse cowgirl. Looking back, I catch his eyes riveted on my bouncing breasts. The angle changes when he crunches to reach them, and I moan in desperation. In this position he reaches a wicked spot and I buck on him with weak knees from the mind blowing pleasure as I begin to release. Wrath groans and pushes back with short, hard thrusts. I feel the pulse followed by spurs of heat, and I know he’s coming. When I turn, he’s grinning back at me like the happiest man in the world. I laugh at his candor.
“Promise me you’ll never leave, that it will always be like this.”
His expression turns serious. I get up to kneel between his legs and look in his eyes. I want him to know I truly mean what I’m about to say.
“Wrath, I love you. You have opened my heart and healed cuts that have been made time and time again. I will never leave you because whenever I’m with you… I’m finally home.”
I don’t know if it’s my eyes that tear or his, maybe both, but when his lips meet mine, a feeling of true joy comforts me and I feel at peace.

Claiming Rosa (Book 2) Jacobs Broken Mercenaries Where stories live. Discover now