chapter 16

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I become cold and unfeeling. It’s how I have to be for now. How I’ll protect her. She may not understand now, but she will. It’s for the best. If I don’t make it back, my sudden departure will keep her from hating me. At least she can move on, clinging to the sour memory instead. I know it took a lot for her to ask me to stay, but I have to be tough if I want her out of harm’s way. Where I’m going, she can’t follow. I learned a long time ago if you want to solve the problem, find the source, and that’s where I’m going. To Robert’s source of power.
I get no escort this time when Lucifer lets me in. He doesn’t wear a mask either. His horns are visible, as black as his eyes. They’re turned down, twisted, and curved to the side of his head. He’s twice the size of his former camouflage. His hair is a softer black, but his features are sharp, inhumanly so. Cheekbones protrude a harsh square jaw and pointed tongue. The suit he wears covers his tawny skin, but what’s visible has a red twinge you’d come to expect associated with the devil. Aside from that, he looks like any other demon. Right now he’s lounging in his chair, popping back grapes from a vine.
“Where is my companion?”
I imagine snapping his neck like a twig; the image calms me enough to be civil- ish.
“I still have a month. I want Jacob returned home.”
He sits up, popping another grape.
“and why are you telling me this?”
I grow impatient, having enough of his cavalier attitude.
“It’s your fucking magic that’s keeping him there!”
He smiles, popping out of his seat.
“Touché, but I’m not the one you need to ask pretty please, too. You see, I’m just a supplier. You're after the dealer.”
I glare as he sits on the desk, the heavy wood creaking under the strain.
“I can put in a good word for you.”
Lucifer crosses his arms. I can see his six-pack bunching the silk shirt. I contemplate my odds of ending him here and now. I almost take the risk, but his gifted power may remain in Robert, and that’s something I’m not willing to gamble.
“What is he giving you? Whatever it is, I’ll double it.”
Now he’s angry. His eyes turn black, putting me on edge. My body goes rigid in preparation, muscles tightening, his do the same. We square off and I swear I see smoke exit his nasal cavities.
“The trade I’ve made is far more lucrative than money. It’s something you're not willing to give not are able to accomplish. Now leave, before I make an example out of you.”
It’s obvious I’m not getting any help here. I turn to leave, but my anger gets the best of me. I turn back to him with a wide grin.
“I’ll be sure to visit you when I’m done with Robert. I’ll make sure you get the thanks you deserve. You know, for your… help.”
He reads between the lines, knowing damn well I won’t stop until I find some way to settle the score. Lucifer mimics my grin and we part thereafter.
My next stop is painful, not in the traditional sense, but unbearable nonetheless. I’m not even permitted being a dark far and all, but I have a feeling the circumstances will grant me an audience. I stand at the gates of heaven waiting for Cael. He’s an ancient warrior angel we’ve bumped into one another a few times over the centuries, usually fighting for the same cause.
“To what do I owe the pleasure, Wrath?”
I quirk a brow at the familiar greeting. He’s the one that passed me the coordinates to the rift I patched up and the only angel that will deal with me.
“It’s not for me, it’s for a friend, friends, our mutual ones.”
Cael gives me a disapproving look. It’s one I’m familiar with, and I know what he’s about to say before he says it. Our hands are tied. This is a war we can’t get involved in. Blah blah blah. I hold my hand out to stop him.
“The rules are stated, but the other side isn’t listening.”
That got his attention.
“What do you mean?”
I roll my eyes, immediately thinking of Rosa. It’s the first quirk of hers I’ve picked up. Refocusing my attention to Cael, I explain.
“Lucifer has picked a human to do his dirty work.”
I feel like I’m a young lad tattling on another’s wrongdoings. It’s an unpleasant situation harbouring my pride. He’s very good at hiding his reaction, but I catch the slight widening of his eyes. This is definitely news.
“Why bother telling me?”
I take my time deciding how much to tell him and opt for full disclosure, taking no chances.
“I tried to kill him, but I only managed to get Jacobs’ crew back. Robert still has Jacob and other innocents as well.”
Cael slowly nods at the information.
“How did you come to find out Lucifer was aiding him?”
Fuck, I knew this would come up.
“I first went to him weeks ago when my brother took Rosa. I wanted her safe at any cost. So he fueled me with his power.-”
Cael makes a sharp sound of disgust. I stop to glare before continuing.
“He took it back! But I got a feel for it, the darkness. When Rosa found out, Robert had captured Jacob and his team. I gathered everyone I could and took the fight to him… it didn’t end well. Many of mine died, and he added the rest to his collection, including me. Thankfully, I had an orb. I was able to get a little over half of us free. When Jacob went back the second time, the orb’s power wore off before he could escape.”
The time drags as I watch Cael process the events with no visible emotions. Odd Things angels are. They don’t feel much and do everything by the book. When minutes pass, I lose patience and be as direct as I can.
“I need help to stop him, or at least free everyone. That could give me enough time to concentrate on a plan. If you can’t for their sake, then do it to show Lucifer you don’t stand for broken laws.”
He lifts his brow slightly at the last part, which is a high show of emotion for angels.
“Wait here for a brief time. I need to address the others.”
I smooth my hair back and bite my tongue.
Cael enters, shutting the gate behind him. I’m not offended, rules are everything to them and this time that may work in my favour. Still standing on the outskirts kicking rocks while that twisted freak is still breathing feels like a crime. Minutes could very well be lives. It doesn’t sit well on my conscience.
He comes back with two more angels flanking his sides. Only one of them pays me any attention, the other goes out of his way to avoid me. Cael is the first to speak.
“We will aid you if you aid us.”
Where have I heard that before? All I know is I’m not letting anything else enter my body.
“What do you want?”
Whatever it is, it’s significant because Cael looks foreboding enough I don’t want to deny him.
“You will give the Phoenix too, Lucifer.”
Then who, what? I couldn’t have heard him right. The only Phoenix I know of is a seventeen-year-old newbie who’s never wronged a soul. She’s innocent as the day is long.
“What Phoenix?”
I’ve got his full attention, as annoyed as he is.
“You know of more than one?”
Is this a trick question? A test? Why does he look so serious?
“It is foretold the phoenix will seize Lucifer’s powers indefinitely, making him no longer a threat to the heavens or humans. We believe she will take his power or kill him.”
Gods, he’s fucking serious. The girl that blows things up when she’s angry and still listens to Backstreet boys?
“No! No, I can’t. I refuse to hand over a defenseless teen to a fiend like him. He’s pure evil, and he’ll destroy her in every way possible. Your oracle is wrong.”
Cael steps out from behind the gate and pulls me aside. It’s the first time I’ve seen him fully express anger.
“You will do this to gain your friend’s freedom because if you don’t, it makes no difference. It’s a test, can’t you see that? We will take her and deliver her ourselves if you don’t. Why not get your favour and gain our trust in return?”
Un-fucking- believable. My fists clench and I pop him in the jaw! Cael’s head cranks to the side with the force of my blow. He turns back, rubbing his chin, and testing the use of his jaw. How he holds his anger back is beyond me.
“I’ll protect her, put her in hiding. This won’t happen.”
He hisses back at me. There’s the anger I’m looking for.
“It’s useless and you know it! We are the warriors of the gods, gods see everything. Our oracles see what the eyes miss. There’s no fighting this. She will be better off having you as a support. She won’t get that with us… make your choice, now!”
Fuck, he’s right, I’m no match, and it’s no use. As apposed as I am, it doesn’t matter. They’ll get their way and I would rather you used a gentler approach. Something occurs to me they didn’t give me a definitive time. I could drag this out for centuries. I quickly agree and Cael smiles his approval. Now all I have to do is hold off Lucifer.
“Now, how exactly are you going to help with my problem?”
Cael waves over the Hercules looking angel that sized me up earlier.
“This is Sphear. He will eradicate Lucifer’s power from this Robert. But that is all he will do. I advise you to bring help. The oracles have foreseen a struggle. The human has been working at this wholeheartedly. He has many tricks.”
Seriously? This is what I get. I hope pretty boy is as good as he says. If they screw me on this, well, I guess there’s not much I can do. Cael and the other angel depart, leaving me with a soft-looking angel named after a ball.
“Is it true you and Cael took down a legion of sea serpents?”
Oh, great, a talker and a fan all rolled in one. I roll my eyes.
“Is Earth everything they say it is? Are there really millions of women?”
Gods, he must be new. I prefer the angels emotionless. I’m not in the mood for small talk.
“Everything you heard is true. Now let’s go, time is of the essence. We will transport to Jacob’s home first.”
The angel nods, resuming his flat expression. I always thought they were born unfeeling. Now I know for sure it’s something that’s taught because this guy was as giddy as a child moments ago.

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