Chapter 11

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I can feel his warm breath on my stomach as his palm expertly massages me. I’m so wet. It’s embarrassing. It’s been a long time since I’ve touched myself, and even longer since someone else has, it feels so fucking good. Wrath keeps me on the brink, then pulls back, torturing me, but it’s wrong. I shouldn’t be enjoying this. It has nothing to do with pleasure and everything to do with control.
He’s got me strung up like some animal. Yet I want to push his mouth between my thighs and ride his face, then have him sink deep inside me inch by blessed inch. Judging by the hard-on that’s fully visible through his pants, he’s not short of inches. What sickens me the most is how hard it was to say no, and although he scares me, I still feel safe.
Whatever happened to him, Has changed his whole demeanor. He’s primitive, raw and unfiltered. I can’t say it doesn’t make me nervous, but it doesn’t turn me off. I’ve never been so aroused, Fuck! What’s wrong with me? I should be fighting this, but when I look down to see his hungry expression as he’s palming me between my legs, I lose the will to fight. I can’t deny the magnetic pull I feel toward him. The need to climax has me unable to think straight. I find myself trying to justify his actions, questioning what he’s actually done that’s so bad. I’m too close to release my mind goes blank as my body tenses, only to plateau once more as he pulls back.
“Last chance, tell me you want me, that you want this, and I’ll make you come a handful of times. Any way you want me too.”
It’s there, permission on the tip of my tongue, but something in the back of my mind won’t let me say it. I had the reason moments ago and I can’t remember for the life of me now. This has to stop, but I can’t think when he’s making me feel like I’m going to combust. Respect! He’s not respecting me. Without respect, I’m just as bad as my mother,
The memories of my life before are like a splash of cold water. He jolts when I yell, looking extremely put out and incredibly sexy. I tell myself to stay firm. Until he can respect me. Our relationship can’t go any further. I’m not going down the same road as my mother. I can’t.
He slips both bolts from the links and I drop to the dirt from the abrupt release. Asshole! I’m so glad I came to my senses, kind of. My core is throbbing one quick swipe of my finger and I could climax, despite the anger I feel. He definitely knows his way around a woman’s body. I’ll give him that. I watch his receding form as he climbs the stair without a glance in my direction. For a split second, I worry he’s going to lock me down here, but the door swings back open and light spills in from the hallway.
My pride is intact, barely, but my body aches everywhere and I’m left with a coiling anger in the pit of my stomach. Worst of all is the nawing need for release, and I can’t even take a cold shower. At least Dayzues had running water, cause there’s no way I’m going to rub one out with him in the vicinity. He’d probably sense it and tie me up until I beg him to fuck me.
How did I get here. At this point. In this situation. I look down at my hands that are coated with dirt and rub them on my torn shirt. I get up off my knees, pulling up my pants. Feeling deeply degraded by his actions is the least of my worries. He made me into some wanton animal, to think I was so close to giving in. will I be able to deny him if he does this again? That’s a scary question I’m in no condition to answer at the moment.
As I make my way back to my room, I realize he hasn’t replaced my cuff. It’s the most freedom I’ve had since I met him, and I don’t know how to take it. What does he want from me? He can’t possibly be working this hard just to get some. I mean, come on. With a body like that and a face like his, he must beat girls off of him all the time.
“Rosa! I missed you so much.”
Lore zooms back and forth in front of me. I’m beyond happy to see her. She’s my only friend in this miserable place.
“I missed you too!” I tell her. She stops zooming, hovering in front of my nose. My eyes cross when I try to focus, making me chuckle. Lore backs up, surveying me.
“Are you okay? What happened?”
Oh, where to start? From the beginning, I guess.
“Well, Dayzues promised to remove my cuff and send me home if I came with him-”
“Of course he did, and he replaced it with his own, didn’t he?”
I snap my mouth shut. I’m feeling pretty stupid right now.
“Rosa, I told you not to trust him… Wrath went crazy when you left. He tore the house apart and… There’s a rumor going around that he went to the underworld in search of dark magic and he came back, wrong. He hasn’t talked to anyone and sent everyone away.”
I absorb the information, trying to imagine what he’s going through or how he’s changed, but I get hung up on the underworld part and what that is.
“What are you even doing here? I thought with the cuff off you would have returned to earth… Wait, are you and Wrath in love?”
There are so many problems with that sentence I don’t know where to begin.
“Okay, first off, hell no, I don’t love Wrath. He’s a chauvinistic psychopath. Second, I just got back hours ago, and I was tied up, literally. Third, I don’t know how to transport. I tried more times than I can count, but all I get is a fuzzy image and a slight fade.”
Lore smiles and shakes her head.
“Well, duh! The cuff prevents you from dematerializing… You really don’t have any feelings for Wrath?”
Oh my God, is she fucking serious I could have left anytime? I’m so mad right now. I feel so stupid.
“Sorry Lore, I’ve got to go.”
She shrugs and her smile wavers.
“Sure, I kind of figured. Will you be back?”
I look at her and debate lying, but that’s not my style.
“Probably not, I’m sorry.”
Her face completely falls, and she frowns, dropping her shoulders.
“I understand… You really don’t feel anything for Wrath? I mean, he kind of sacrificed his kingdom and his reputation for you. That must count for something?”
My brows crease with confusion.
“Wrath didn’t do that for me. Whatever he did, it was to stop his brother. I was just a bystander caught in the crossfire.”
Lore flaps her tiny wings faster making my hair rustle. Is she irritated?
“Is that what you truly believe?” Lore snaps with notable attitude.
I pace the room, my anger escalating as I doubt myself. Despite my reaction, Lore doesn’t stop there.
“If that’s true, then why is he here with you and not hunting down his brother. Why did he let Dayzues go and bring you here?”
Her question confuses me. I shut down the sympathy creeping in and go on the defense.
“That’s his problem! Anything he claims to feel is fake. He made it perfectly clear I was his property, not his equal. The only reason he’s here is because his brother is no longer a threat to his kingdom. It has nothing to do with me. You didn’t see what he just did and how he treats me. So stay out of it!”
Lore glares at me, her wings flapping hard and fast.
“Well, you didn’t have to yell at me! I just thought… forget it! It was nice knowing you, Rosa.”
Damn it, I try to say something before she leaves, but I can’t think of anything. Instead, I just stand there watching her go with my heart in my throat. I know how she feels; I felt it my entire life. She’s an outcast who finally found someone who genuinely likes her, and that person is walking out of her life forever. She’s got more tact than I do. When my mother turned her back on me, I called her every name under the sun and scorned her every day of my life.
I push all of my thoughts aside, Lore, Wrath, Dayzues and everything to do with this world. I put my focus on leaving this place before I can’t. Closing my eyes, I picture my room and envision myself there. I feel the pull. I’m lightheaded, and butterflies erupt in my stomach. Crossing my fingers, I slowly open my eyes.
“It worked! I’m home.”
I jump up ecstatic, I finally did it and I’m never going back. Who would have thought I’d be so happy to see this room? With the simple bed and wooden desk. Daylight! Oh, how I missed the sun! I open the window and breathe the fresh air. Wow, it’s warm. How long have I been gone? Feeling a little uneasy, I grab my phone to check the date. Three months! That fucking bastard! I hurry downstairs in search of Austin. I’m going to kill him. I know he was in on it.
The house is unusually quiet; I find the kitchen empty and look down at my phone again. It’s ten-thirty am. There’s usually at least someone in the kitchen at all hours of the day. I check the living area next, then the office. I search the entire place and find no one. It’s odd, very odd. I go back to the kitchen and open the fridge for a drink. The moment I catch a whiff, I shut it, holding back a gag. Disgusting, there’s not one thing in there without some form of mold. Oh my God, this is bad! Something is terribly wrong here. I bring up Jacob’s number and hit send; it goes straight to voicemail. Climbing the stairs, I check his room. It’s neat and tidy as per usual but his phone is sitting on the desk, that is not. He doesn’t go anywhere without his phone. I’m now in complete panic mode, the worst possible thoughts crashing into one another in my head until I can’t pick one from the other. This can’t be happening. I think I’m about to have a panic attack.
“We’ve been waiting for you.”
I jump, startled by the rumbling voice behind me. When I turn, I see the hot mercenary angel I met in heaven. The one that wanted to purge me. The memory has me backing up instantaneously, creating a nice space cushion between us.
“Where are they?”
The asshat looks down at me like a true snob. He really views himself as superior.
“The human has them.”
I scoff, completely angered by the information, knowing exactly who he’s talking about.
“I thought you gave us an oracle and promised to aid us.”
He raises his brows. He couldn’t look any haughtier if the clouds parted, and the sun decided to frame him.
“Are you implying this is our fault?”
I throw my hands up, as if to say duh!
“Look, I’m here now. We were unaware of the humans involvement in the underworld. We underestimated him.”
I roll my eyes and reach for a bottle of water. That’s the second time I’ve heard about the underworld today.
“Oh well, that just makes it okay then.”
I give him my snottiest sarcastic attitude I save for a select few and he smiles, taking me literally.
“Yes, on this we agree.”
Wow, right over his head. I’ve had enough of this bullshit.
“Okay, where are they? Grab your crew and let’s go.”
I look back at the door, and he’s still standing there. He pulls out a chair, telling me to sit. I don’t like where this is going. I trip on my words. My emotions making my tongue tied,
“Are they okay?”
He nods and waits for me to sit. A loud sigh leaves me as I slam down in the chair. I don’t know why he’s taking so long to talk, but it’s really pissing me off.
“We cannot enter the area he’s occupied. Only the adiaphorous can breach that dimension.”
“Dimension? Where the fuck is my family?”
My choice of words doesn’t go unnoticed. I smile inwardly, only to frown when the realization hits. I may be their only hope. It’s a lot of pressure.
“How long have they been gone?”
He shrugs
“A month.”
Oh my God, a month? A fucking month.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You were not here, I checked daily.”
I can’t believe it. This entire time I’ve been griping about my luxurious imprisonment, while everyone I care about is god knows where, having who knows what done to them. I have to save them.
“How do I find them?”
He sneers and I get the urge to kick him.
“You little fae cannot manage that task alone. You will need a legion to fight these creatures. They are not in a place but a time. When you're ready, you need to materialize to Jacob.”
I make a face. How the hell do I do that? I’m jarred when he continues.
“Robert may be just a human, but he has recruited many species that are highly dangerous and are dedicated to his cause.”
I snap my head around to face him.
“What’s his cause, exactly?”
The angel wears a sad smile, making him appear a touch more normal.
“To eradicate you when he’s used you. All of you, or any species, wanting to live on Earth. He despises what he doesn’t understand. Typical human mentality, they’re a limited species.”
Ugh, whatever! Superior prick. I know he remembers I was one. Heck, a part of me still is.
“Why would anything other than human help his cause, then? What’s In It for them?”
“He’s promised to select a small group to frequent earth. This specific group have been banned from earth by yours truly.”
I narrow my eyes, trying to imagine the history he’s speaking about, all the while trying to keep him freely giving me information.
“Why did you ban them?”
“Because they are the vilest of creatures, they kill humans for sport, torture them, Rape and dismember.”
I cringe at the vivid descriptions.
“I was created in the image of gods. These cast outs were created in the image of Lucifer himself. They crave death and destruction of the innocent.”
Wow, now I see the reason for Jacob’s dedication to stopping this guy.
“If he succeeds, it will be the end of humankind, a slow, painful death to all that habitat earth.”
Now I’m angry. How could they let this happen? And how the hell could a human accomplish such an extensive task in a brief span.
“How did this happen?”
Ha, I can see his discomfort. He’s becoming more human than he knows, and they say angels don’t feel. Looks like guilt to me.
“We underestimated him. We were not aware he had help from the underworld, from Lucifer. By letting his experiments go, things got out of hand. I admit it slipped our notice, but once he got his army. Robert’s true intentions were exposed.”
I laugh hysterically when it all comes together. I finally realize how it is, as I’m sure Jacob has as well.
“Your fucking unbelievable! This isn’t even our war, is it?”
He glances away, his jaw ticking as he grinds his teeth. The action reminds me of Wrath and my eyes begin to mist.
“We’re your fucking puppets, aren’t we? This is a war between the heavens and the underworld and since neither of you can enter either world, you're using earth as your battle ground!”
I’ve begun poking his chest, yelling at the top of my lungs without realizing, and apparently he’s had enough because I’m instantly pushed back, my mouth sealed. I try to get up or pull my lips apart, but I’m held back by an unforeseen force.
“It was not our intention! Pointing the finger is wasting time. Stop this racket and put your efforts into building an army. Your time is running out!”
Just like that, pouf; he’s gone. Along with his control over me, and I fall to the floor like I was thrown from my chair. I am really tiring of this. there’s no chivalry with species?
Now what do I do? You think he would at least suggest something, but no, that would be too easy. That would save time.
“you are coming with me, but we must move quickly, before my brother finds us.”
I place my hands on my head, grasping my hair when I recognize the voice. Then pinch myself to be sure I’m not in some nightmare.
“I’m not going anywhere with you, I have people counting on me.”
Dayzues steps in front of me. I push him aside and grab a random set of keys with a fob.
“Forget them. Come with me. We can start a new life together.”
I don’t know if it’s the lack of sleep, my rejection of Lore’s feelings, the realization of denied feelings for Wrath, coffee withdrawals or I’m just downright hangry, but something inside me breaks and my rage boils over. My skin turns black in an instant and as I place my hand out telling Dayzues to back off, a dark shard shoots from my palm. It sinks into the wall, nearly catching him in the chest.
“Christ! Are you trying to kill me?”
Thankfully, he dodged it, but I didn’t miss him completely. There’s a small tear to his right shoulder. I Turn my palm toward me staring at it In disbelief. I don’t know how I made it happen, but it was cool as fuck. Right now I’m feeling some kind of bad ass.
“Who taught you that?”
I turned my attention back to Dayzues, who’s looking at me accusingly. As much as I’d like to revel in this recent occurrence, I can’t. I have people depending on me. I give Dayzues my best impression of Wrath.
“No one taught me. I taught me. Now back the fuck off before I make you!”
It works. He holds up his hands and disappears in a flash. I can’t hold back my grin. It stays firm on my face the whole elevator ride to the garage. When I hit the fob and a shiny black Corvette beeps. I get in and hit the gas leaving skid marks on the pavement as she fishtails out of the lot.
My first stop is at the club where the guy with the creepy eyes works. Actually, I’m sure he’s the owner and I have a feeling he can help. It’s still early. When I walk up I see the club is closed, but I hit the buzzer, anyway. After holding the thing down for nearly three minutes with minimal breaks, a voice comes over the intercom.
“What do you want?”
It’s him. I recognize the distinctly low baritone. Jackpot!
“I need to talk to you. Let me in!”
When nothing happens, I keep holding the buzzer. In less than thirty seconds, I’m in. Persistence is key. 
I make my way up the stairs; the club looks larger than life empty. I dramatically burst through the doors, still high on myself, and I’m pulled into a hard, sweaty chest. Raph’s very naked chest. He tsks, bringing his mouth to my ear. Leaving massive beard burn in his wake. Damn! stubble can hurt.
“Look at you, feeling all high and mighty. Do you even know what I am, little girl, what I could do to you?”
My body goes stiff, it’s like ice invades my lungs, making my breath still. He pushes me back and I choke on air. A blanket hits my chest and falls to the floor as I bend over, wheezing.
“What the fuck was that?”
Raph pours a drink, shooting it back before responding.
“A warning. You're first and last. Be thankful you received one, most don’t get the courtesy.”
I stay quiet, mostly because I believe him, but also because I’m still catching my breath. Warning noted, steer clear.
“I can’t help you until you have an agreement with the underworld. I’m no angel anymore.”
I screw my face up at the information; he turns and I see the massive scars on his back and gasp. They’re jagged and in the exact spot as… oh my God! His wings. They were ripped from his body.  Savagely.
“Didn’t anyone teach you it’s impolite to stare?”
I muttering an apology,  Sharply snapping my attention away when I realize he’s watching me through the wall sized mirrors.
“How do I get to this underworld?”
He smiles, showing teeth. I can’t really call it a smile because it’s fierce, not at all friendly.
“You don’t. Lucifer wouldn’t take an audience with you. Bring Wrath, and when you have permission, you can both return with my approval.”
Oh great, what does Wrath have that I don’t? A dick? How typical. I don’t understand why I need to jump through these hoops. Maybe I came to the wrong place.
“You came to the right place if you want to win. I can get you where you need to be. I may even help, if you ask nicely.”
Okay, that’s creepy.
“How did you know what I was thinking?”
He turns facing me and his eyes flash black, making me jump.
“I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.”
It’s the first time I’ve ever believed that statement to be true. I don’t bother asking how he knows Wrath. It’s not worth my life. Instead, I leave in a rush, mumbling my thanks.
That was the creepiest thing I’ve ever witnessed. A full body shiver racks me. Once I’m out the door, I feel ten times safer. His eyes were deep black swirling pits. When he looked at me, it felt like he touched my soul and not in a good way. I materialize back to faery; it hasn’t even been twenty-four hours since I’ve been gone, But I already feel that euphoric coming back. How did I ever think I could stay away from here? I feel rejuvenated, just breathing the air. It’s official, this place is a part of me and I won’t be forsaking it anytime soon. Now I have to go beg for help from the last person I deserve it from. This has to be my lowest point...

Claiming Rosa (Book 2) Jacobs Broken Mercenaries Where stories live. Discover now