Spin the Bottle

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Mark's Pov:

"Okay so everyone knows how this is going to work?" "Yes." Jack and Bob said at the same time. "Ye-no..." Wade replied. I sighed. "We spin the bottle, we each get 1 pass but the pass are only a kiss on cheek but the rest HAS to be on the lips for an actual kiss. Got it?" Everyone nodded. "Good." I grabbed an empty beer bottle and we all sat down in a circle, putting the bottle between us.

"Bob, go first." I said. He nodded and spinned the bottle. It landed on Wade and I just burst out laughing. I could hear Bob sigh. He only went for a cheek kiss. Now it was Wade's turn. He spinned it and it landed on Jack. "Screw it, I ain't wasting my one pass." I watched as Wade scooted closer to Jack. Wade brought his face closer to Jack's and slowly kissed him. Wade pulled away and went back to his spot. I couldn't help being jealous.

I noticed Bob and Wade looked at each other. Jack spinned the bottle, it was heading for Bob but somehow the "wind" pushed it onto me. Bob smirked. "Dammit, sorry guys, Tyler needs me and Wade. You can finish the game." He took Wade's hand and ran off. I glared at them as they ran off. "Did...did you want to finish it quick?" I looked at Jack. "If you would like.." Jack scooted closer to me. I could see his cheeks turning red. He nodded. He slowly pushed himself up and placed his lips on mine. His eyes closed, then soon pulled away. "S..sorry if that was too long..." I shook my head. "Not long enough." I kissed him making hin fall back slightly, but he grabbed my shoulders to hold on, also making the kiss deeper.

We both pulled away and looked at each other. "I wanted to do that for so long." I said.

"I wanted you to do that for so long."

A/N: I'm sorry it's so short, I'm going to make another one after this.

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