Give it back

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Mark's Pov:

"You made me do my dare, now you do yours!" Jack chased me around the house. "No!" I yelled back and kept running. "Give me the shirt!" He yelled and kept chasing me. I turned around to look at him but soon ran into a table.

I fell over holding my arm, since I nicked it on the table. "O-ow." I said checking out my arm. Jack kneeled in front of me. He reached over for my arm or so I thought. He started unbuttoning my shirt. I still held onto my arm, blushing.

He stopped when he couldn't get any more unbutton since I'm holding my arm. "Give me that flannel." I signed and unbuttoned the rest of my shirt, leaving me shirtless and handed it to Jack. I watched as he took his shirt off and put mine on, buttoning it half-assed.

He did look good in it but it's mine. "Let's just play so I can get it back." I got up and headed back to where we originaly were. We played for a few more hours before calling it quits. I got up, stretching. I can tell Jack was staring so I flexed a bit.

I watched Jack get up and I almost forgot he still had my shirt. I smirked and walked extremely close to him. I saw his blush rise, I kept getting close until he fell over, landing on his butt. He held up himself with his hands, as

I slowly krept between his legs, watching his blush get darker. I lightly brushed my lips against his. "Give me back my shirt." I mumbled letting my breath hit his mouth, unbuttoning my/his shirt, taking it then running off. "You fuck!" I heard him yell as I ran.

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