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Jack's Pov:

I'm worrying too much about this but I want it to be perfect. It was Mark's birthday and I want to throw him a party. I asked Wade and Bob to take him out for the day so I can set everything up. I had already bought the decorations but just hid them in "my" room. I got the decorations and started to set them up. Hanging up banners and streamers. After hanging up decorations I stepped back and looked at them. Now onto balloons. I started to blow up some balloons. Balloons after balloons.

_an hour later brought to you by SepticEyeSam_

Ugh it took so long to blow up the balloons. My phone went off, where was it? Oh never mind it was under a balloon.

From: Bob
To: Me
You done yet? He's starting to get suspicious.


To: Bob
From: Me
Almost. Give me two more hours if you can.


Okay, ballons check, decorations check, gift check, cake...Shit! I forgot the cake! I can just bake it myself. I ran to the kitchen, getting out baking stuff I need. I mixed the ingredients and poured them in a pan, putting it in the oven. Now time to make icing. I started to make the icing, often checking on the cake. After making the icing and taking out the cake. I dyed different parts of icing.

I decorated the cake and set it on the kitchen counter. I took a deep breath, finally.

From: Bob
To: Me
Almost there


I ran upstairs and grabbed my present for Mark. I ran back downstairs and grabbed some confetti. I heard the door being unlocked and got ready

Mark's Pov:

I unlocked the door and went to walk inside only to be face full of confetti. I moved it out of my face and looked around. "SURPRISE!" I heard Jack yell and I looked at him. I ran over and hugged him and didn't let go. I didn't want to. "...well we'll be going then.." I pulled away and looked at Wade and Bob. "Have fun you two." Wade winked at us causing both of us to blush and with that they left. "Cake?" Jack asked. "Yes! Cake!" We ran and ate some cake.

We both sat on the couch after eating some cake. Jack handed me a little rectangle box. "It's your gift." He said while smiling. I opened it and stared at what was inside it. A little keychain with writing on it. I will love you everyday, every night and forever more.
Is what it said plus on the back had Jack's name. I pulled him into a hug. "Thank you, Sean...I love it."

I set it aside on the table and layed down pulling jack with me, wrapping my arms around him. "Love you." I mumbled before falling asleep.

A/N: There a little birthday one since today is Mark's Birthday. C:

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