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Previously on "10 things I love about you" and "What Happened?"

Jack's Pov:

Mark's in prison? There's no way he could've done that. Mark isn't that guy. I thanked the guy and ran off, running in the direction of the prison. I know where the prison is, although it's kinda far to walk. I pulled out my phone and dialed the taxi company and requested a cab.

After about ten minutes, a cab finally arrived and I hopped in quickly and told him my location. He looked a bit scared but nodded and started to drive. I was kinda nervous to ask what the scared look was for but I did anyway. "That's one of the most horific and dangerous prisons ever. Most people that end up there end up getting gang raped, murdered or hang themselves. Well they used to anyway, now they take away their shoe laces or belts."

That just made everything worse but I just kept to myself the rest of the ride. Once we got there, I can tell what he meant. There was vines and weeds going up the brick wall, along with two guards cleaning up blood from inside the fence. I gulped and payed the man as he wished me luck and I walked inside.

There was at least twenty guards in the hallway and I requested to talk to Mark. The guard gave me a weird look. "Are you sure?" She asked. I nodded. "Why? What's so bad about Mark?" She gave a small chuckle. "Oh nothing besides he's one of the most feared people in this joint." I shrugged, thinking nothing of it, I still requested to speak to Mark. Two guards walked me over to the speaking booths while two went into the back, what I assume where the cells are. "Would you like us to stay by?" I shook my head no as I sat down. They nodded as they walked away, I saw two other guards walking in with Mark. Mark glared at them not even looking at me.

They left as Mark sat down. Mark looked up and did a double take. He picked up the phone and practically shouted into it. "Sean?! What...what are you doing here."

J: I came to visit you
J: what happened?
J: Mark please
M: I only did it to protect you...but he turned it around..
J: What did you have to do..?
M:..I had to...shoot him...
M: He would've killed you! I needed to.

Mark started sobbing.

J: Mark..
M: I tried telling them that! I'm being sent to court for it.
M: you were there...can you go? You were a witness..
J: I mean..I can try.
M: They're gonna be taking me back soon..
M: They'll contact you when it's time for the trail.

Two men appeared next to Mark signalling it was time to go. I sighed, Mark was about to hang the phone up.

J: Wait.
J: Mark
M: Yeah?
J:...I love you
M: I love you too

I hung up the phone and walked out of the room, along with walking out of the prison.

_Time Skip of a week_

My phone rang and I rushed to pick it up. "Hello, this is a reminder that the trail for Mark Fischbach will be held today at noon." The voice rang in my ears. I grabbed a jacket and marched out the door. 'I'm getting you out of there Mark.'

A/N: sorry it took so long to update, I've been busy and just all hell. I'll be updating more often hopefully. The next add on to this won't be out for a while since it will be a trail which takes time to write but others will be out in the mean time. See ya!

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