Prank Wars Pt. 2

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Prank wars, ah yes, the joy of pranks. Although, pranks with these two childish doofs isn't exactly what you'd think it'd be like. You'd think of replacing all of Jack's clothes with some other annoying thing or Mark filling up Jack's room with sticky notes.

Their pranks are full of devilish laughter and evil sins. This time, Mark had set up small alarm clocks everywhere in Jack's room. They were set five minutes apart from the last one. That way everytime Jack got back into bed, he'd have to get right back up.

Now Jack was a nice man with the pranks...Yeaaaaah, no. Jack was very evil with the pranks. Jack baked some homemade cookies for Mark, now you'd think Jack wouldn't do anything to the cookies right? Of course he did, he just put a little laxatives into the batter. He laughed once he heard Mark not long after struggling in the bathroom.

Of course Mark had to get Jack back, right? Of course he did, so they had planned a road trip today. Which would be normal, except. When they stopped at a gad station, Mark went in for some drinks. When he came out, Jack was still pumping Gas. Of course, Mark being the little devil he was bought a viagra pill. So we twisted it off, poured it in Jack's drink and shook it around. Let's just say Mark had a hard time breathing from laughter, and at the hotel room. C;

Although, today was not filled with a Prank. Not even a whisper from Mark. Jack was mostly out all day due to shopping and just running all over town. Once he came home, well that was a different story. Jack walked into the kitchen to put some stuff away.

Mark was not anywhere to be seen, not even from Jack's calls of pleads. Jack sighed and walked up into his shared room with Mark.

There lied Mark, with a "knife" through his chest, along with a "pool of blood" around him. "Very funny Mark, Pranks over. I'm hungry." Although Jack didn't get a reply, nor a twitch or even a sign from Mark. He stepped into the "blood" as he walked closer to Mark.

The thick liquid dripped off the bottom of his shoe. "Mark...?" Jack asked again, but still no reply. He examined the knife closer and panicked when he saw the blade was metal. Jack grabbed Mark's wrist.

His heart sank when he felt no pulse.

A/N: Heeeeeey, my Waifu just made a Septiplier one shots book, so y'know, it's pretty dank. You'd like it. LiveLaughShip <<<<< Checkit.

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