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Jack's Pov:

I woke up in the middle of the night freezing my ass off. I tried to huddle up in my blankets but to no avail, I just couldn't get warm. I shivered a bit and got up. My cold feet touched the wooden floor which sent a shiver up my spine.

I walked out of the room and down the hall way very quietly. I slowly opened the door to Mark's room. I smiled as I saw him on his side, his mouth slightly opened, his glasses just barely on his nose and a phone in hand. 'Must've fallen sleep on his phone' I thought and chuckled, slowly creeping in the room.

I walked to his side of the bed, I grabbed his phone, putting it on the stand next to him. I carefully grabbed his glasses off his face, placing them next to the phone as well. "Hmm?" His voice called sleepishly. He sat up and looked at me. "What's wrong, Jack. Is everything okay?" I nodded.

"I just got really cold and came to check on you." I said smiling. He flipped his covers up, got out of bed and walked out the room. He came back shortly after with another blanket in hand. He patted the spot next to where he sleeps and I gladly hopped in with him following. He pulled the covers back up, along with covering us with the other blanket.

I turned to face him. I felt a arm snake around my waist and pull me closer to the point where I was practically in his chest. I hummed happily. "Better?" He asked. "Better." (Snickers sponser me pls) I said, slowly drifting off into a nice slumber.

A/N: Just a small break from Stockholm Syndrome. Which will probably continue tomorrow sometime. Enjoy!

It's gonna be 3 am soon haha kill me.

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