#It's a Wade Thing

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Ayyy lmao LiveLaughShip

Jack's Pov:

Me and Mark walked down the street to the nearest coffee shop, it was an early morning and we both were tired out of our minds. We walked hand in hand down the street, my head resting on Marks shoulder. Once we arrived, we walked into the shop, we waved at Wade who we were meeting here.

We all ordered coffee and sat down at the booth, but I couldn't help but shift around uncomfortably. Wade looked at me weirdly as he sipped his coffee carefully, trying not to get burned. Mark looked at me, obviously concerned.

I just shook it off and told them it was fine but my inner thighs were hurting pretty bad and since the jeans kept rubbing against them, it made them irritated. Mark nodded and continued to drink his coffee and chat with Wade while I just thought of a way to get rid of the pain.

This time, Wade asked what was wrong and I finally gave in and told him what was wrong. "My legs just hurt really badly.." I said as I winced in pain. "Why?" Wade asked and me and Mark just looked at each other, blushing a little bit.

Wade looked at us confused then it hit him, spitting out his coffee. "Did you guys have sex..?" He asked, causing my eyes to shoot wide open. "Nononononono." I said quickly, in reply to Wade. "Mark, Did you fuck the poor guys brains out??" Wade asked, ignoring my question. "We didn't have sex, dammit." Mark said. "Not yet.." He smirked, resulting a blush on my face. "We just went to a...kids bungee jumping place and the harness was rubbing against me." I mumbled since it was quite embarrassing.

"That wont be the only thing rubbing against your thigh."

'WADE!" We both exclaimed.

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