Steve x Reader: The Date

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You were sitting in the living room of the Stark tower with your best friend (who you secretly have a crush on),Steve Rogers aka Captain America. You were silently reading your favorite book when suddenly you heard a loud clang from the kitchen.

"Give me my pop tarts, you unlawful machine! I am Thor, son of Odin and you will obey me!" Thor yelled, kicking something. You stood up and walked towards the kitchen, wondering what the hell Thor was yelling at. You looked down to find a toaster on the floor. He was yelling at a toaster. "Thor, the toaster will give you back your pop tarts. Just wait until you hear a ding." Right when you said that, the toaster dinged, and the pop tarts popped out. "Ah thank you Lady Y/N." Thor smiled as you walked back to Steve.

You checked your watch, seeing that it was exactly 6:30 pm. "Oh shit." You cursed running to your room. "Bad language word Y/N. Why are you in such a hurry?" Steve asked, walking towards your bedroom door.

"I have a date tonight with this guy I met while we were on a mission."

"Do you mean that guy named Dean?"

You rushed out of your room in a beautiful (f/c),matching heels and with your (h/c) hair tied up in a nice bun. "Yes I mean Dean. Do I look okay?" You asked, spinning around. "You look amazing Y/N." He grinned, capturing you in a bear hug. "Thanks Stevie." You blushed, hugging back. You pulled away and walked to the elevator, pressing the down button. "See you later Y/N." Steve said, his voice hinted with sadness.

Steve's P.O.V

As I watched the elevator doors close, I cursed myself for letting her go. Why couldn't I just grab her by the hand and confess to her that I love her? Maybe it's because I'm such a coward. "Why do you look so forlorn, Steven?" Thor questioned, his hand resting on my shoulder.

"I just love Y/N so much, but I'm too much of a coward to confess it to her."

"I can help you with that." I turned around to find Tony at the bar with a glass of whiskey in his hand.

~Time skip brought to you by Natasha making Avenger pancakes~

Your P.O.V

"....and then I said 'Get it yourself, moron!'" Dean laughed, slapping his knee. You faked a laugh, hoping this date would be over soon. Dean was cute but he was a bit of an air head. All of the sudden, your phone started ringing. You answered quickly.


"Y/N we need you back at the tower right now." Tony stated.

"Be right there." You hung up the phone and turned to Dean. "I'm sorry Dean, I have to leave. It's for a family emergency." You apologized, leaving a 20 dollar bill on the table.

"It's ok! Have a good night." He said, waving goodbye as you walked out of the restaurant.

~Another time skip brought to you by Tony in Iron Man undies~

Once you got into the tower, you noticed that all the lights were dimmed. 'Why are are all the lights dimmed?' You wonder as you walk towards the living room. You gasp at the view of the living room. Rose petals are scattered all over the floor and candles are placed on the coffee table in a heart form. "Hello Y/N. I have been expecting you." Steve greeted, standing up from where he was sitting. STEVE IS WEARING A TUXEDO?!?!?

"Stevie,what is all of this for?"

"Listen, Y/N I need to tell you something." He sighed, leading you to the couch.

You sat down, looking into his blue eyes. "Y/N, I have been in love with you since you joined S.H.E.I.L.D. The way your (h/c) flows in the wind when we're on a mission and the cute face you make when someone annoys you makes me go insane with desire for you. I love you so much, Y/N." He confessed, his cheeks dusted with red.

"I love you too, Stevie." You whispered. He grabbed your shoulders gently and meshed his soft lips with yours. You felt sparks as you started kissing back. His hands moved down to your hips as lips pulled away from yours. You grabbed his tie and yanked him back to you, kissing him with more intensity. He pulled you closer as his hands went a little bit lower than the equator...


"J.A.R.V.I.S are you recording that?"

"Yes Mr.Stark."

"Good. I want Birdbrain, Tasha, Bruce and Thor to see this."


Here is my first one shot!

Hope you liked it!

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