Bruce x Reader: The Secret Weapon

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You banged your head against the wall of your containment cage, wishing that accident never happened. Mr. Fury kept you in here because you were too unstable to stay with the other Avengers.

Now I bet you're wondering "What makes me so unstable that I have to be separated from the other Avengers?" Well you have two personalities. One is super sweet, kind and wouldn't hurt a fly while the other one is mean, reckless and destroys everything in sight. The other side of you was created when you were 5 years old, after you got too close to a power plant during a nuclear meltdown.

Fury called you the 'secret weapon' of the Avengers, since you were only used in the team if things went wrong.

Bruce volunteered to bring you food and try to teach you how to control your other side, since he knew how to keep the other guy from coming out. He also brought you pictures of the other Avengers and told you all about them.

"Now this guy here, Captain America? He was born in the WWII era and before he looked like this, he was a scrawny little man." You remember him saying as he pointed at the picture he brought that day.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard your cage door slide open. You turned around to find Bruce, smiling at you.

"Hello Y/N. Are you ready for our session today? I brought some snacks." He asked and you nodded, sitting down in a metal chair right across from him.



"Do you think if I control the other me for longer than my record time, that I can join the others?"

He stayed silent, pulling out a tin can and pushing it towards you.

"Now Y/N, let the other part of you take over. When I say 'destroy' she will try to smash this can. If you keep her from doing that for at least 30 seconds, I will give you a reward." He explained and you nodded before letting her take over.

You opened your eyes to find yourself in a white room with red strings floating around. A screen tinted red at the edges popped up in front of you and you grabbed a few of the strings, knowing this scene all too well.

"Destroy!" Bruce announced and you pulled on the strings with all of your might. They started pulling back and you knew that her mind was wanting to be in control of your body. You gripped onto the strings for dear life before giving it one last pull right when he said time. You lost your focus and let go of the strings, watching in horror as you saw her wrap your hands around his neck, choking him.

"No!" You screamed, quickly imagining yourself pushing the other you into the back of your brain, letting you take control.

You opened your eyes and let go of Bruce's neck, shaking horribly.

"I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean to!" You cried out, tears flowing down your cheeks.


"Now thanks to me being so careless and letting her take over, you almost died!" You sobbed, sitting back in your metal chair with your head in your hands.

You heard footsteps walk towards you and you removed your hands, leaving your head down. You could feel him put two fingers under your chin and lift your head up so you were face to face with him. You blushed a light pink, since nobody has ever touched you like that before.

He gave you a quick peck on the lips before walking back to his bag.

"Even though you accidentally tried to kill me, you still kept her from smashing the can. Every time you succeed, you get a kiss. Easy as that." He concluded, pulling out some wrapped presents.

"O-ok..." You stuttered, still a bit flustered from the kiss.

"My friends got you some stuff." He stated, handing you the packages.

~A few minutes later~

After you opened all the gifts, you and Bruce sat and talked about each other's lives. You talked about how your parents tried to help you with your condition but couldn't contain you, so they ended up putting you in an insane asylum.

"It was horrible. After a few years being in that hellhole, S.H.E.L.D. found me and put me in here."

"How old were you when you were put in here, Y/N?"

"16. I'm now 21."

"Oh, that's just horrible." Bruce looked at his watch and frowned. "I'm sorry Y/N but our time is up. I'll be back again tomorrow with your breakfast and with another session." He apologized, waving goodbye as he left the room.

"Goodbye." You mumbled as he locked the cell door. You crawled into your bed, and fell into a nightmare-induced slumber.


So this is my Bruce x Reader fanfic!

Hope you liked it!

Btw, I forgot to put what the other Avengers got for you so here ya go:

Natasha: Some cute clothes and feminine products (Girls gotta help each other out)

Clint: A book on how to shoot a bow and arrow with a little arrow bookmark

Tony: A small bottle of scotch and some bras (Anyone can get into your file and find out your bra size)

Steve: A tube of red lipstick shaped like a bullet (Very old fashioned)

Thor: A hand carved mini replica of his hammer (Adorable. Wait, how did he carve it when he has such big hands?)

Loki: A carbon copy of his golden helmet (Very geeky)

Pietro: A poster with his face on it saying 'You Didn't See That Coming?' (Wow ok)



Avengers x Reader One-shots (completed for now)Where stories live. Discover now