Steve x Frozen!Reader: Greek Linage

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Requested by: @PinkSprinkles04



You could feel the warmth of sunlight on your face as you opened your (e/c) eyes, sitting up slowly. 

You had just been talking to your father, the late ruler of Chalandri, near the freezing lake of Apollo, when somebody pushed you in. Now you were here, in this weird white room.

Suddenly, the door in front of you opened to a tall, blond haired man with stunning blue eyes.

"You must be Y/N L/N. I'm Steve Rogers." He smiled, putting a hand out. When you didn't return the handshake, he shook it off with an awkward cough.

"That's Your Highness to you. Now, I command you to tell me where I am." You stated, flipping your hair.

"Well, your highness, you are in a room in an apartment in New York City. Unfortunately, you were frozen for over 20 thousand years, and now your stuck in a time period that you know nothing about." He sighed, scratching the back of his neck.

"Curse that Apollo lake. Is my father alive?" You asked, even though you were pretty sure that you already knew the answer. He shook his head solemnly, and you forced yourself not to cry. It was not princess-like to show emotion.

"I will be teaching you about this era, since you're stuck here. We can get to know each other better during that time." He said as he sat in the metal chair in front of you.

You watched him silently as he told you everything, from technology to the way people speak.

~Time skip brought to you by a compilation of the Avenger's funniest moments~

A couple weeks after you woke up, Fury allowed you to join the rest of the team in the Stark tower. You got along well with your new teammates, well, almost all of them. Tony annoyed you so much that you just wanted to burn him to a crisp with your fire powers. Steve was nice enough to give you a room the farthest away from Tony, which happened to be right next to his room.

(A/N: I know what you're thinking guys "well if she had fire powers wouldn't she be able to get out of the ice?" Actually no. Remember that she fell into an Apollo lake, which means that the only way she could get out is if she could break the gods' magic.)

It was hard to admit it, but Steve was starting to grow on you. His sweet words and dashing smile always brought you joy, even if you didn't  show it.

"Ready, set, fight!" Steve yelled, stepping out of the ring. Thor grinned at you before putting his fist up, hopping on his feet. He was the last person you had to fight before you could be deemed as 'mission ready'. Even though he is a demi-god, you knew that you could take him down easily.

He swung at you with full force and you dodged, sliding under his legs. You were just about to capture him in a head lock when his elbow rammed into your stomach, knocking you backwards. You gained your composure, looking him straight in the eyes.

"Gia ton patéra mou!" You hissed, delivering a straight kick to his stomach. He fell to the ground, panting. Using his tiredness to your advantage, you flipped him over, pressing your knee into his back as you put him in a shoulder lock.

"Éna, dýo, tría. I win, puny god." You whispered in his ear, getting off of him.

Jumping out of the ring, you grabbed a drink before taking off your gloves. Steve sat next to you, patting you on the back.

"You did good, Y/N. I've never seen anyone take Thor down that fast before!" He exclaimed.

"Thank the gods that my father taught me Anō Pankration. And I've fought men twice the size of him before." You shrugged as you adjusted your sports bra. The clothing in this era was weird, but you couldn't deny that some of the outfits made you look sexy.

"If you'll excuse me, I have to head to power training with Wanda." You coughed, grabbing your workout bag. Right as you were about to walk out of the training room, Steve grabbed your wrist.

"Wait. Would you mind if I came with you? Just to watch." He asked, his cheeks a bright pink.

You could feel your face heat up as you adjusted your bag.

He wants to watch me fight?

"Fine. But no Snapcats or whatever you call them."

"Don't you mean Snapchats, doll?"

"Don't sass me, plebeian!"

~A month later~

It was the day of your first mission, and even though your face was emotionless, you were shaking with nervousness on the inside.

This mission was pretty simple: Break into a Hydra base and bring some files back to HQ.

The sound of the jet engine starting up made you jump lightly, earning a questionable look from Steve. He stood beside you, his right hand gripping onto a handrail.

"You doing alright?" He asked, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.

"Yes. I am just a bit nervous for this mission." You answered, giving him a small smile.

"Don't worry, it'll be easy as pie."

Sadly, the mission was not as easy as the both of you thought it would be.

Hydra agents came in from left and right, making the pathway to the files thinner and thinner. You and Steve were assigned with the task to get the files while the others distracted the agents below.

You threw fireballs all around, hitting each agent perfectly. Steve threw his shield and used his fists to knock them out.

"Y/N! Protect the door. I'll get the files." He shouted and you nodded, standing in the doorway. You fought off more goons, almost burning them to the ground.

"Steve! It would be glorious if you finished getting those files right about now!" You snarled, struggling with one of the more clever agents.

Right as the words "I got them" tumbled out of his mouth, the agent thrust his sword into your stomach.

Almost in slow motion, you collided with the ground, the clever agent smiling down at you with sick glee.

"Y/N is down. I repeat, Y/N is down!" Steve's voice echoed through your head as your vision faded to black.

~Time skip brought to you by a tumblr Bruce~


The sound of a machine beeping woke you from your unconscious state, the bright lights of the medical ward blinding you.

Looking beside you, you found Steve fast asleep with his hand entwined with yours. You blushed, scanning his peaceful face.

"Steve....Wake up...." You whispered in his ear and his stirred slightly. He looked up at you, smiling.

"Glad you're awake, Y/N." He yawned, not even noticing your hands.

"Steve, why are you holding my hand?" You wondered. He pulled his hand away quickly, his face dusted with a light pink.

"Sorry. I was just really worried that you wouldn't make it, and since I have feelings for you, it made me even more worried." He accidently confessed, looking away in shame.

"I like you too." You murmured as his eyes widened in surprise.

Well this couldn't get anymore awkward, could it?

Almost immediately after you thought that, Tony barged in with a plate of cookies.

"So who wants I Just Confessed My Love in The Most Awkward Way cookies?" He cheered, waltzing into the room.

"Tony!" You and Steve exclaimed

"What? It's true though!"


And I apologize for the lack of much interaction with the other Avengers!

Hope you liked it anyways!



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