Thor x Reader: When You're on Your Period

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You groaned as your cramps worsened, curling up into a ball. You were laying on your bed, watching (your favorite show) and snacking on some sweets, wishing that Mother Nature wasn't such a bitch.

Suddenly, Thor ran into your room in full body armor, ready to fight. You jumped, placing your hand over your heart in surprise.

"What the hell, Thor?" You breathed, your heart beating as fast as a speeding race car. He put his hammer down, frowning.

"Lady Y/N, I heard you groaning and though the enemy was among us, so I came to rescue you. Are you alright?" Thor worried and you could see a little concern in his blue eyes.

"I'm fine. It's just Mother Nature." You stated, popping some more sweets into your mouth.

"Who is this 'Mother Nature'? I will fight this scoundrel if she is hurting you, Lady Y/N." He growled, pulling his hammer back up. You stood up and hugged him, making him lose his fighting stance.

"Mother Nature is a immortal being who helped create this earth, and she did not hurt me. She just cursed us women to bleed every month for about a week until we die." You explained as he hugged back.

"Ah, that clears up so much. Thank you, Lady Y/N." He sighed, pulling away from the hug.  

"Your welcome, babe. Hey, do you want to watch (your favorite show) with me?" You asked and he nodded, getting into bed with you (Get your mind out of the gutter, reader. ;)).

~Time skip brought to you by Natasha doing The Worm~

You and Thor cuddled on your bed , just enjoying each others company.

"Oww.." You groaned, the cramps packing another mean punch. Thor instantly wrapped his arms around your waist, keeping your from curling into a ball. 

"Y/N!" He gasped and you pointed to the heating pad on your bedside table, the pain keeping you from speaking. He grabbed it and handed to you, his eyes overflowing with worry. You placed the heating pad over your uterus area, sighing blissfully.

"I'm ok, Thor. It just hurts a lot." You assured him.

"I think I have a remedy for that, my darling." He smiled, and you gave him a questionable look. He started to leave soft sweet kisses all across your face, and you giggled. He gingerly left small kisses on your neck and collarbone, making you shiver. He finished off with a short kiss on your lips, leaving you unsatisfied.

"What is the matter, my flower? Didn't that help with your pain?" He asked, noticing your frown.

"I want more." You concluded and you could feel your lips craving for more contact.

"What do you-" You cut him off with a passionate kiss, gripping onto his buff shoulders. He kissed back, his fingers threaded through your (h/c) hair. After a couple minutes, you pulled away.

"You are always so full of surprises, my love." He chuckled, embracing you in a gentle hug.

~Time skip brought to you by Loki in a Elsa costume~

For the rest of the day, Thor was your personal servant. He got you anything you wanted and when the cramps kicked in, he helped you get through the pain with soft kisses.

And every time you would have your period, he would take time off of his day to come and spend time with you.

Best. Boyfriend. Ever.


Hey guys!

This is the first one-shot of my "When You're on Your Period" series!

I was literally fangirling over the nicknames oml.

Hope you guys liked this!



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