Pietro x Reader: Party Goers

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Requested by: @StephV12


"Are you serious, Tony? I know I'm your best friend, but another party is a bit too much!" You questioned, rubbing your temples.

"Y/N, I get that my parties are not really your favorite places to be, but it would mean a lot to me if you went to this one anyways. Plus, you could get to know some of the Avengers who don't live in the tower....." Tony trailed off as you sighed loudly.

It has been about 3 months since you joined the Avengers and Tony, the billionare playboy of a best friend, has had at least 20 parties since your arrival. Most of them were celebrating his success with his new line of technology, but a few of them were thrown in your arrival.

"Ugh, fine. You better be glad I'm your best friend, Tony." You hissed, earning a smile from him.

"Great! The party is starting in a few hours, so please be ready by then." He stated as you walked away, heading towards your room.

This better be worth it, Tony.

~Time skip brought to you by Loki in a L'oreal commercial~

You messed with the hem of your (f/c) dress, looking at yourself in the mirror.

"Ms. Y/N, the party has begun. Please make your way to the living room." J.A.R.V.I.S stated through the speakers in your room, catching you by surprise.

"I'll be there in a second, Jarv." You replied, stepping out of your room.

You groaned internally as you saw the crowd formed in the living room. It was huge! Sometimes you hated how popular Tony was.

"Y/N, it's good to see you!" Steve smiled, embracing you in a tight hug. You returned the hug, genuinely happy to see him.

When you joined the Avengers, Steve was the first one to fully accept you as a teammate rather than an outsider, and you loved him for that. The both of you became friends very quickly, to Tony's surprise.

"How are you, Steve?" You asked, pulling away from the hug.

"Pretty good. Tony forced me and Buck to come to this party, so we can't leave unless he says." He answered, taking a sip of his soda.

"He practically begged me to come, saying that I should 'get to know some of the Avengers that don't live in the tower'." You rolled your eyes, scanning the room. Your eyes stopped on a white haired male standing next to Wanda, his bright blue eyes trained onto the guy he was talking to.

"Hey, Steve,  who's that guy over there?" You wondered, pointing at the white haired man.

"Him? Oh, you'll just have to find out. Go talk to him!" He replied, pushing you towards him.

He patted you on the back as he walked away, leaving you with Wanda and the mystery man.

"Well hello, Wanda! Nice to see you here. And who is this gentleman that you brought with you?" You greeted, gesturing toward the guy beside her.

"Hi ,Y/N. This is my twin brother, Pietro." She said, and he grinned at you.

"It's an honor to meet you, princessa. You look absolutely stunning tonight." He mused, grabbing your hand and laying a soft kiss on the back of it.

You could feel a blush creep onto your face as you looked away bashfully.

I think I could deal with party a little bit better with him around.

~Time skip brought to you by Bruce helping Steve understand quantum physics~

"I'm the king of the world!! Yahooooo!" Pietro cheered, climbing onto the bar.

You let out a fit of giggles as he danced to the unheard music. Both of you had a little bit to much to drink, resulting in the both of you being a bit rowdy.

"All right, Pietro. Time to go home!" Wanda sighed, forcing him to get off the bar.

"Aww! But I want to stay with the pretty lady!!" He whined, gripping onto your waist. You blushed as he nuzzled into your neck, his spiky hair tickling your cheek.

"You can see her tomorrow at our usual breakfast meet up spot. Let's get you home." She deadpanned as he gave you a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight, pretty lady." He whispered, smiling as Wanda pulled him towards the elevator. 

You waved goodbye, at a loss for words.

"It seems like you two got along well." Tony hummed from behind you.

"*hic* Yeah." You hiccuped, stumbling towards your room.

You fell into a deep sleep right when your head hit the pillow.

~Another time skip brought to you by Steve fangirling~

"Ugh good morning everyone." You groaned as you walked into the small restaurant.

"Oh my god, Y/N! You look awful." Bucky exclaimed, earning an eye roll from you.

"No shit, Sherlock. Why didn't anyone keep me from drinking?"

"Because you're funny when you're drunk." Natasha stated, taking a sip of her orange juice.

You looked around, noticing that Pietro and Wanda were nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, where are Quickster and Scarlet?" You wondered as you ordered a cup of coffee.

"They should be here soon." Bruce replied, adjusting his glasses.

~After breakfast with the team~

Pietro had offered to walk you back to the tower after breakfast and you accepted, since the restaurant was only a mile away from the tower.

"I'm really sorry about last night. I can't really hold my liquor very well..." He trailed off, looking down in shame.

"It's totally fine! You're actually really cute when you're drunk." You giggled and he blushed.

"Hey, we should go see a movie sometime. Or if movies aren't your thing, maybe we could go out to eat, princessa?" He proposed.

"That sounds great!" You chirped, grinning widely.
Hey guys!!

Sorry for the late update! I'm currently in Baltimore right now so that means I can update a bit faster than I anticipated.

Btw this will be a three part series!

Hope you guys liked this!



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