Loki x Vampire!Reader: Vampire Queen (Part 2)

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You guys have asked for it so here it is!


You twirled a small dagger through your fingers as your tutor droned on about the current events, yawning quietly.

Before they died, your parents hired a tutor to teach you about the world so you could fit in a little bit more, but so far it didn't really help you a bit in your everyday vampire life.

"..And that is all the teaching for today, my queen." He finished, closing his textbook.

"Good. I was starting to falling asleep from your continuous teaching, anyways. You may leave now, Victor. Here is your payment." You muttered, throwing a small satchel into his arms. He opened it slowly and pulled out a few blood bags, smiling at you.

"Thank you, your majesty." He bowed before leaving your lair. You adjusted yourself on the black throne that you were sitting on, filing your nails with the dagger that you were playing with earlier.

Ever since you met Loki on that day in the alleyway, you have been building up your army to take over the world. Personally, you only agreed on ruling the world with him because he was super sexy and powerful, and he made you actually feel something close to an emotion for once in your long life.

You pulled out a box from under you, unlocking it and opening it quickly. Your fingers lingered over the many different tubes until you found the perfect one, pulling it out of the box. A small label was taped on the side of the tube, the words God's Blood jumping out at you as you took off the small slip of paper tied onto it.


"Yes, your majesty?" Your personal servant, Erik, answered fearfully. You grabbed your cellphone, typing in Loki's number.

"Get the troops ready. It's time to start a war."

~Time skip brought to you by Thor trying pizza for the first time~

"Ah, Vampire Queen! I knew you would call me sooner or later, love." Loki laughed, clapping his hands as he walked around another street corner.

"Of course I would. Who could deny a way to take over the world?"

"My army is ready, waiting for my signal. Is yours?" He asked, swinging his walking stick around.

"Yes. But I need you to infiltrate the Stark Tower to get me a couple of things." You answered, and you could sense that he had that sly grin plastered on his face through the phone.

You listed out the items that you needed and he made a mental list in his mind as he transformed into Agent Coulson.

"Meet me at the top of the west abandoned building in an hour and I will give you what you need." He stated, ending the call.

You let out an evil chuckle as you slipped on your battle armor.

~Time skip brought to you by Steve trying to write fanfiction~

You landed softly on the top of the building, searching your surroundings.

"Glad to finally see you again, darling." You turned around to find Loki standing there, his armor hugging his slightly muscular body.

"Do you have the items that I need?" You questioned and he nodded, handing you a couple of tubes filled with blood.

Before you could thank him, he pulled you in close, his warm breath tickling your cheeks.

"I lusted for you while we were apart, Y/N. The only thing that I wanted every single day when we were away was to have to have your body against mine, to hear you moan my name over and over again.." He hissed in your ear, nibbling on your earlobe roughly. You let out a small gasp, gripping onto his shoulders. His cold lips traveled lower, kissing and suckling on any crevice he could find.

"L-Loki..." You moaned, and he meshed his lips with yours, silencing you. You kissed back, your tongues dueling for dominance. His hands slithered down your body and stopped right at your ass, giving it a tight squeeze. You squealed and pulled away, his emerald eyes boring into your e/c orbs.

"We should call in the troops." He said, letting go of you. You nodded quickly, your head still spinning from the kiss.

Both of you parted, opening the portals for your armies.


"Loki should be using the Tesseract to open the portal for his Chitari army any moment now." Tony said through the com, and the rest of the team got into battle mode.

"Be careful, guys. He's teamed up with the Vampire Queen for this battle, and she's more dangerous than all of us combined." Steve warned as the first Chitari mothership crashed into a building.

It's go time.

~Time skip brought to you by Loki in sweatpants and a tight tank top~

You flew towards the Avengers, turning invisible so you could attack one of them. Right before you could sink your fangs into Captain America's neck, an arrow lodged into your shoulder, making you scream out in pain. Turning around, he rammed into you with his shield, throwing you off your feet. Your invisible shield dissipated, revealing you.

"Vampire Queen! It's kind of surprising you would come and face us yourself instead of sending one of your little minions." Captain snapped, staring down at your lying state.

"I would have, but they're dealing with your Metal Man and Green Guy right now, so I have to face you myself, Rodgers." You spat, hissing as you stood up.

His eyes widened. "How do you..."

"It doesn't matter right now. All that matters is me and Loki ruling this realm. So, ta ta, darling!" You laughed, pulling the arrow out of your shoulder as you flew away, shooting a few energy balls at Hawkeye.

~Yet another time skip brought to you by Natasha dressing up as Thor for Halloween~

The familiar blue glow from the Tesseract on top of the Stark tower was diminishing, and Chitari warriors were dropping like dead flies.

"Daniel! Tell the troops to retreat!" You yelled into your walkie talkie, flying to the top of the tower. Since none of the Avengers were still on the ground below, and you saw Loki fighting with Thor, you knew that all of them were up in the tower.

You landed quietly behind the team as they surrounded Loki, weapons drawn.

"Nunc dormiamus" You whispered and they all fell to the floor, lulled into a deep sleep. Stepping over their sleeping bodies, you picked up a peaceful Loki, his eyes closed in silent sleep.

You threw him over your shoulder, flying back to your lair.

Why do I always have to be the hero?



Hope you guys liked it!



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