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So, about Mongolia's little imaginary friend "Golom"

He is a being manifested from Mongolia's mind. There is no exact explanation to how someone like Golom was created in the first place. But the truth is, Golom existed since long ago, the same time when Mongolia was born. 

He is basically an apparition of escapism, existing only to take what he believe is his and destroy the encroachers. Whenever Mongolia feels depressed to the point of feeling impractical, it creates a crack to Mongolia's existence, that existence being a wall that blocks Golom's path. As long as he doesn't feel negative, the barrier should keep Golom condemned.

What causes the wall to break are two feelings:

Sadness and Fear. These are his "Triggers"

If Golom does get released from his container. He'll start his first plan of trapping Mongolia in his own imaginary mind. Together they can vanish from reality and live in his happy place for eternity. If time goes on and countries are yet to realize what happened, Mongolia will just be erased from everyone's memory like a permanently deleted file.

Golom's gender is male. Why? Because Mongolia is a guy. If he were a girl, Golom, too, would be one.

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