Riker and Vanessa

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After detention, Riker and I walked to his house. We, Laura and I, always go the Lynch's after school because we can have dinner with them. Stormie is the most awesome person in the world. She lets us stay round anytime, which is handy because our parents are always on business trips. They are on one at the moment. This one is for 6 months. We barely see them anymore. So at the moment we are living with the Lynch's. Out the corner of my eye, I can see Riker shivering. I know he is not cold, it is because he is scared of what Stormie and Mark are going to do to him when they find out about the detention. I am so lucky that my parents on the business trip, they would literally kill me if they were here. Wait, I forgot what Laura will say. Laura is like a mini Mum, she always confronts me when I have done something wrong.

As we open the door, a slap crosses Riker's cheek. I glance over to see who the hand belonged to. Stormie. "RIKER ANTHONY LYNCH! YOU GOT A DETENTION!" Wow, I have never seen Stormie like this before. We are toast, she then shifts her eyes over towards me. "AND VANESSA NICOLE MARANO, I EXPECT BETTER FROM YOU!" Stormie spits. Man, her shouting is like being in the splash zone at the water park.

"Mum, what is going on?" Rocky asks coming down the stairs. Stormie gives him her famous look and immediately, he runs back upstairs. Family meeting time. Seconds later he comes back down being followed by Rydel, Ratliff, Ross, Laura, Ryland. Wow it must be important ....

because she actually invited Ratliff down to the meeting, she never invites him to the meetings.

Oh god, we might actually die. I don't dare look at Laura as she passes me, I know that I have disappointed her just like Riker has with his siblings. Stormie begins when everyone is sitting apart from herself, myself and Riker. Our heads are bowed.
"Vanessa and Riker," we look up towards her, "is there something you wish to tell your siblings?" We shake our heads viciously, trying to avoid the subject. "No, okay if you won't tell than I will." Stormie spits once again, they really need face protection in this house. After a few seconds our eyes widen realising that Stormie is going to tell the others about our Detention. Why did we just do that? Stormie will let it out even worse than it sounds.

"Riker and Vanessa got another Detention after they promised to improve grades and not be late lesson." Stormie exclaims angirly. Everyone gasps. I glance at Laura. It looks like she is about to burst in flames. Boy, I am in so much trouble.
"Will you tell Mum and Dad?" I whisper sounding like a wimp.
"TELL THEM, I WILL EXCLAIM TO THEM! Vanessa you made a promise," she started, lowering her voice . She might actually take this well, "AND YOU BROKE THAT PROMISE!" Again spitting in my face. If Ross proposes to her in the future, she will fit right in.

Vanessa- Yes you do. You are doing right now. Honestly, living with you is like living at a water park in the splash zone.
Laura- Just carry on telling the story. I will deal with you later.
Vanessa- *gulps* Okay

I wince as Laura shouts at me. I see Ross trying to grab her, he succeeds and twirls her to kiss her to make her calm down. Instantly she kissed back. Aww, they are so cute together.

After the little family meeting and watching Raura turn their kiss into a mini making-out session, Vanessa and I ran to my room. We sat on my bed with crossed legs facing each other.
"So...." I trail off. I look at her and see that she is staring above my head. I look to where she is looking to see pictures of us when we were young. I turn round and lay down on my bed next to Ness. She lays down also and we both stare at our young selves. When I turned 16, they were my presents from my siblings. I found out that Vanessa's family did the same.
"We were so evil back then." I say, making us both laugh. I turn to Ness, "And we still are." I add.

Wouldn't Change a thing. A Raura and Rinessa and Rydellington Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now