Riker and Vanessa

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As soon as Vanessa and Jack walked out the door, I exclaimed, "We have to talk about Vanessa!"
"What?!" They scream back at me. I get how they are feeling, seeing Vanessa going on at date with a boy then having me wanting to talk about her.
"Guys, I have to confess," I start talking. This is it I am finally going to confess my love for Vanessa Marano, the only thing is that it is not to her. It is to my family and her sister. No turning back now,"I am in love with Vanessa." There are a couple of squeals, obviously from Rydel and Laura. A few "congrats" from Ross, Ryland and Ratliff and one "my Mac and Cheese is ready" from Rocky. O-K.

"When did this happen?" Laura asks, finally calming down from this exciting discovery.
"Ever since Jack showed up. I just felt like he was no good, and on our first day he smiled and winked at Ness and I just felt so angry!" I say. All of them start smirking, uh oh. "What?"
"You my friend were jealous." Ross explains. Now that I think about it I was jealous. "I have to talk to Vanessa when she gets back. I have to apologise for my attitude and behaviour towards her. It's only because I wanted to tell her that I love her but she already planned her date with Jack!" I said, gasping for air.

4 hours later.......
We were still sitting on the couch eating pizza,which we ordered earlier, when Vanessa came home. She had a smile on her face. I looked at the clock on my phone to see that the time was 11pm, " Where do you think you are going young lady?" I asked her as she climbed the stairs. She suddenly turned to me startled.
"Oh I thought that you all had gone to bed. I mean it is 11." She said. We all turned angry and Laura shouted at her," WE WERE GOING TO GO TO BED HALF AN HOUR AGO BUT YOU WEREN'T HERE SO WE STAYED UP TO MAKE SURE THAT YOU GOT HOME SAFELY!" Wow when Laura gets angry, she gets angry. Ross was trying to grab Laura he succeeds and throws her over his shoulder, walking out towards the garden, with her still shouting, "No Ross let me go. I WAS NOT FINISHED WITH HER!"

I think Laura is extremely mad with me being out till 11. I look at everyone else, they give me glares. I slowly make my way up the stairs to my room, which is the first door on the left. I flop on my bed and sigh. I really messed it up with the others, especially Laura. Laura and I have never had this big of a fight before, we always have little squabbles, everyone does with their siblings but this is the extreme. I will apologise to everyone in the morning. I decided just to stay on what I was wearing and go to bed.

The next day
I woke up to the sun in my eyes. I look around to see that my room was a mess. I groan knowing that I will have to clean it up later, as I get out of bed. I looked at my phone to see 100 new text messages from Jack. Wow he is very eager to talk to his girlfriend huh. Oh yeah, Jack asked me to be his girlfriend.i walk into the bathroom and have a shower.

I just finished drying my hair when I hear my ringtone. I look at the caller ID. Jack. I smile and answer. He asked if I had told the others that me and him are dating but I said not yet. I hung up and went downstairs for breakfast.

I was walking towards the stairs when I passed Vanessa's room. I heard her talking on the phone. It was obviously Jack. During the call she said to him that she hadn't told us that they were dating. My heart shattered. I lost my chance, the only chance I had of getting her. She hanged up, smiling like an idiot. I hid in the walk way to my room as she made her way down the stairs. Once she was gone I made my own way down, with a broken heart that can never be fixed.

I lost the love of my life........

Hey everyone,
Thank you so much for reading my book. When I started I had no idea that you would all love it. And thank you for getting it to 2K.

Now a quick question.
How has your day been?
Mine has gone good, I had Taekwondo this morning.
Peace out, Rockers! (My nickname for everyone)
Rock on!
Daniella. Xxxxxxx

Wouldn't Change a thing. A Raura and Rinessa and Rydellington Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now