Chapter 20: A Whole New World

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Rigel dropped the pile of sticks on the ground next to the makeshift campfire Reno created while they were gone. He looked around and saw all the bedding was put out, as well as meal prep. They were busy.

Cassius put down his pile of sticks and settled on his mats sighing contentedly. "Neo, I will say, you do an excellent job of making sure everything gets done."

Neo smiled. "Thank you Cassius. You have been a very valuable asset to this group."

Enzo nodded his head agreeing. "Yes, you've been wonderful. Very kind and patient to me too...unlike some people." he narrowed his eyes at Neo eliciting a glare from him.

Cassius bowed his head humbly.

Rigel had to stop himself from gagging. The plastic in the air was unfathomable.

The group sat around the fire, and ate the food Reno prepared for them. Rigel devoured his rabbit in 5 minutes, starving from the hard traveling of the day.

"I wonder what's on the other side of that barrier." Enzo wondered as he stared into the fire. "I hope it's not something scary."

"I'm curious as well," Neo replied sucking the bone of his meat. "I doubt it's anything good though. Nothing truly good is hidden."

Enzo cocked his head. "What does that mean?"

"I'm not sure," Neo shrugged. "It was something my father said to me."

Rigel internally sighed. He was tired of this meaningless talk. He wanted to talk to Cassius about what he meant by "ancestry", but knew he couldn't say it in front of everyone else.

He clapped his hands. "Well the only way to know what's behind that barrier is by going to sleep so we can check in the morning." he flipped over on his mat. "Good night."

Rigel was sure he elicited some looks from the others but he didn't care. He had other things on his mind.

Everyone stayed silent and Rigel fell asleep to the sound of the fire crackling.


"Rigel.....Rigel...." Enzo called his name in a sing-song voice.

Rigel groggily opened up his eyes and found Enzo 2 inches away from his face. He quickly jerked back and hit his head on a rock. Idiot!

"What do you want Enzo?" he asked annoyed, rubbing his head where he hit it.

"Everyone is up and packed. We're ready to open the barrier." he stood up and looked down at Rigel. "You really need to start waking up early."

Rigel scowled and stood up quickly packing his stuff. Once he was finished he glared at everyone. "Enjoy the show?"

They all quickly turned away from him. Except for Cassius. He stood there smiling. Rigel made sure to glare at him extra hard.

Cassius rubbed his hands together. "So last night I went through all of the stories I've heard of this barrier. There's rumors that only certain people are allowed in. It's never been confirmed, but neither has the existence of this barrier."

Neo nodded. "It doesn't hurt to try. Who's going first?"

Cassius held up his hand. "Actually Neo, it would be unwise to have multiple people try, in fear of an alarm that may be triggered."

Neo scratched his head. "Oh who should try it?"

"I know just the person." Cassius smiled.

He turned towards Rigel. "Rigel should."

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