Chapter 22: Cassius

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Keanu felt confused.

Once Onyx was fully asleep he got up and left the room quietly shutting the door behind him. She was fine, he wasn't sure why he felt so worried all of the sudden.

He took the long walk to his room and laid down, a thousand thoughts flashing through his mind. He tried suppressing them, but one refused to be pushed down. I need to talk to my father.

Getting up, he walked quickly to his father's study and knocked on the door. The door opened and Xenon stood in his silk pajama set, staring at him with foggy eyes.


"I came to see you."


"Because I haven't seen you in a while."

"It's the middle of the night Keanu. Can't you visit me in the morning?"

"I spend the whole day training Onyx so I don't have time. That's why I came to see you now."

Xenon stared at him eyes unblinking. "Why do you wish to see me though?"

"I already told you it's because-"

"No don't give me that crap of an excuse. Give me the real reason."

Keanus face hardened. "Because I wanted to. Am I not allowed to want to see my father?"

Xenon laughed. "You never want to see me. What changed all of a sudden?"

Keanu really couldn't give him an answer. He wasn't sure why he wanted to see him, but had this strange impulse. "I think.... it's time.... to mend our relationship."

Xenon eyes widened, but his face quickly returned to a look of indifference. "And why is that?"

"It's been long enough."

Xenon smiled a little. "I agree." he grabbed Keanus shoulder. "Let's continue this conversation at a later time. I want to have my full attention on you, and right now I am tired. If you can find time, please try to visit me during lunch tomorrow."

Keanu nodded his head.

Xenon gave him one last smile and turned closing the door behind him. Keanu was confused as to why he decided to start this conversation tonight of all nights, but he was glad of it.

The grudge he had been holding for years had been weighing him down. He wasn't sure why but he had a feeling he needed to get rid of it soon.

He walked back to his room, got ready for bed, and laid down, his heart and mind finally at rest.


Keanu woke to the sound of shouting in the halls. What is it now?

He quickly got up and dressed himself in a simple white tunic with black baggy pants. Grabbing his bow, he ran out the door and saw guards shouting at one another running towards the front gate.

He stopped a random guard. "What happened?"

"A man requests to see Onyx. He claims to know her."


"He says he's her brother."

Keanus brows furrowed. "That's impossible. There's no way he would have been able to find us."

"Elder Xenon requests his capture for questioning."

Keanu nodded understanding what he was trying to say. "Go.". The man sprinted off trying to make up for lost time.

Keanu considered going to Onyx, but decided not to. He wanted to fully asses the situation before giving her a false hope.

He ran to Cato's room and knocked twice. The door opened and Cato stared at him with sleepy eyes.

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