Chapter 9: Trials

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Onyx paced around the room mulling over everything she learned the night before. She hadn't even eaten the food Mandel dropped off with disgust a couple of hours ago.  A million thoughts raced through her head.

The shadow man was the man in the woods? What is he? I still don't know his name. Where am I? The thoughts that consumed her most though, was Who is my father? What did he mean I don't smell human? If I'm not human then what am I?

The prospect of being something else terrified her. Her entire world felt shaken. Did her mother know? Did her father leave because he knew what she was? Was her brother connected to this in any sort of way? She needed answers, and she needed them now before her head exploded.

Onyx heard the door creak open as Cato entered the room. Just as she opened her mouth to speak, Cato held up his hand. "No questions. Just be quiet and follow my directions."

He walked behind Onyx and secured her wrists with a metal chain, locking it with a silver key. "Lets go. Don't ask me where we're going, just follow." He grabbed her arm, and led her out of the room.

It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the lights after being in the gloomy darkness for so long. When it came into focus, she saw they were in a narrow hallway lit with bright oil lamps. The walls were filled with intricate designs, depicting battle scenes from long ago. Her and Cato's footsteps echoed through the long hall until they reached a set of dark oak doors, that reached up into the darkness above.

Cato knocked on the door 3 times. A rough voice said, "Enter." The door swung open to reveal a room full of people. There were dividers separating groups of people on each side of the room. At the very back of the room was a platform with a massive table seating 5 high backed chairs, each carrying an older person in them. Guards stood around the table, with armor and spears in their hand. In the very center of the room was a chair, with a window right above it casting a singular light upon it.

Cato walked Onyx to the chair in the center of the room and retied her chains around it. He then stood behind her, silent. Behind her she heard the doors swing open. When she tried to turn her head, Cato gently turned her head back and whispered roughly, "If you care about your life, you'll pay complete and total attention up front."

The room was silent for a moment until the elderly man in the middle seat cleared his throat. He had a long gray beard, braided down the middle. He had many creases on his dark face, but exuded a strong sense of power, despite his age.

"I am Xenon, one of the 5 elder dragons, who helped rid the world of the nuisance of elves and humans....That is until you, my dear, came along. You have been the topic of many conversations recently, and we don't quite know what to do with you. Half believe you should be executed, while the other half believes you should be given a chance to bring the 3 races together. I ask that you plead your case, as to what you believe should happen."

Onyx swallowed. She doesn't understand what's happening. How can she plead a case, if she doesn't even know what she did?

"I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to defend myself. I would gladly take this opportunity, except I myself am unsure of what I did."

Xenon cocked a brow. "Keanu, you didn't tell her?"

Seemingly spawning out of nowhere, the man from the woods—Keanu? So thats his name—stepped from behind her chair. He must be who entered the room. So he's a dragon? But he looks so human...

He wore a more formal long sleeved white tunic with gold etching on the sides. He had a green shortsleeved pullover that went down to his legs, with a gold sash wrapped around his waist and long baggy pants. He wore no sword. His long locs were tied up in a bun, with gold rings wrapped within it. He looked stunning as always, but paid her no attention.

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