Chapter 1

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One would think that dying was a final matter, a one-way ticket to wherever we go when we cease to exist. But no. Because, apparently, Gabriel couldn't catch a break. Not even a tiny one. His father just outright hated him, he just knew it.

Everything started when dear old Mickey decided to stab him, he remembered his grace burning, he remembered the pain. And then, just like that, he was back in Heaven. Their Heaven. He could feel the power of it, the souls existing peacefully somewhere not far from where he was. He could also feel the lack of angels in it, how his mere presence helped to keep the place up and running. Well, he had filled his quota of being helpful for the day.

He tried to leave, only to remain where he was. And then tried again, putting a little bit more effort into it, closing his eyes and all. But he didn't move an inch. The archangel looked through the room, trying to find a way out, yet to the surprise of no one he found squat. Panic settled into him, why couldn't he leave?

"Hello Gabriel" said Billie as she appeared with her usual attire, Death's Scythe in hand.

"So you're the reason I'm still alive?" Gabriel raised one eyebrow, incredulity filling his voice.

"No, you died. But now you're back" responded Billie with a calm voice, a hint of a smile in her face "I need you to do something"

"Yeah, no. I don't want to die. Again."

"Your Father already destroyed every universe except this one" Billie told him as if he didn't say anything. "If you don't help, the rest of us will be gone too."

"What?" exclaimed Gabriel before he shook his head. "Wait, how did that happen?"

"How do you think? The Winchesters didn't follow God's plan, so he decided to do something about it."

"Of course it was the Winchesters" Gabriel rolled his eyes as he sighed. "So what, you want me to clean up their mess?"

"You don't seem surprised that we are the only ones left."

Gabriel snorted, a grim smile forming on his face. "I'm not stupid, I know he stopped caring a long time ago. And honestly? I stopped believing that he would." His face turned serious as he continued. "How come the Winchesters haven't done something already?"

Billie stared blankly at him. "They tried. But now Dean's dead, so is Castiel and Jack is about to follow them any second now. Sam is the only one left."

Gabriel felt his mouth hang open in shock, surely that wasn't the end of them. For all the trouble that they caused, their little group always found a way to win. "So? They'll come back. They always do."

Billie took a step forward as she looked into the archangel's eyes. Gabriel tried not to squirm under her gaze. "Not this time. We are losing Gabriel, and soon none of us will remain. We need your help."

"What do you want me to do? I can't stop him." Gabriel said softly.

Billie smiled, hope flaring in her chest. Maybe this wasn't the end. "You don't have to, but you and Sam Winchester can change our future."


"You just need to go back to the beginning, stop all of it from happening."

Gabriel laughed, incredulity filling his voice. Was she serious? "That won't change anything, Chuck could still wipe us from existence. Besides, don't you think it will attract his attention that we are not following the script?"

"I have a way to keep you hidden long enough for you to fetch Sam and go back. Besides, everyone thinks you're dead, he won't be looking for you."

"What about when he finds out his plan is not working?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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