"𝐁𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩"

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Percy had been sent off to the Hermes Cabin. Cabin 11 was home to unclaimed children, children of minor gods and goddesses, and Hermes children themselves. There he met a boy named Luke. Percy felt as if he had made friends for the first time in his life. Luke was showing Percy around as they encountered Lacy. "Oh no! Luke found you..blink twice if you need help" the girl showed a look of worry sarcastically on her face. "Don't you have like a mirror to go look in?" The Hermes kid questioned sarcastically.

Soon after Luke was giving his "glory" speech. This speech bored Lacy to death. She was mocking him while he was talking about respect and god knows what else. Then Percy bumped into Clarisse, daughter of Ares. "Watch where you're going!" The ares girl shouted at the unclaimed boy. Percy had fallen to the ground as Clarisse had pushed him down. "Knock it off Clarisse it's his first day." Lacy and Luke told Clarisse "Hey you're the kid who killed the minotaur?" Clarisse asked the boy genuinely sounding curious
"Yeah?" Percys answer sounded more like a question than an answer.

"You want glory? Then you better be ready for when it comes" Jason yelled at the boy, making him percy flinch. Clarisse, Jason and their little gang laughed and walked away. Percy dusted himself off "well they seem nice" Luke and lacy gave each other a side eye until Luke responded "Ares kids, they come by it honestly." Lacy smiled nodding. Percy didn't know why but even her just agreeing made him feel even better than before. "Why don't they come after you two?" Lacy smiled before responding "Lukes the strongest swords man in camp." Luke smiled at the young girl and Luke finished her sentence "and Lacys the best Archer in camp." Lacy and Luke both smiled at each other. Percy somehow felt a pang of jealousy in him. He felt somewhat betrayed.

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It was now nighttime, percy had gone to the bathroom. Annabeth and Lacy had gone to stalk him. Lacy wanted to sleep but Annabeth insisted she came with her. Lacy reluctantly agreed and came with her. Lacy and Annabeth were watching from a window. When Clarisse and Jason had came to torture poor percy. Lacy watched as a wave of guilt fell over her knowing she couldn't help the poor boy. She watched as Clarisse and Jason tried to shove percy in the toilet. She knew she couldn't do anything or it would blow their cover.

Soon after water shot out of the toilet. It seemed to have gone everywhere except percy was dry. Annabeth gave Lacy a look that said "hes the one". Soon after Annabeth and Lacy came out of their hiding space and looked at percy. Percy was scared and stuttered "I-I can explain." Annabeth cut him off "no you can't." Percy was about to make a remark but then he quickly realized. He furrowed his eyebrows with a look of concern "Wait I know you." Annabeth just looked at Lacy, and Lacy just looked confused. "No you don't" Annabeth responded trying to hide her antics. Percy sort of had a look of realization on his face "yeah, you were there the night when i was in the infirmary..." Annabeth looked at lacy again while lacy sat there still confused.

"Im Annabeth." Athenas daughter introduced herself. "Are you stalking me annabeth?" Percy asked knowing he was right but just wanted confirmation. "Yes." Lacy just had a look of shock on her face. She didn't think Annabeth would come clean that quickly. Soon after Annabeth had told the boy she had been waiting for something like this percy asked her why. She just answered "to win capture the flag." Lacy knew those were not her intentions but she didn't want to say anything.

Annabeth and Lacy had began walking off. Percy called after lacy. She turned around to see the boy who had called her. Annabeth went ahead to her cabin. Percy just wanted to talk to Lacy. He liked her voice. He made some small talk with the girl. Soon after she had said goodnight she kissed the boy of the cheek. Percy felt as if that kiss was magical. He felt butterflies in his stomach. Lacy had no intention of doing that whatsoever she meant it in the most platonic way possible. The boy offered to walk her to her cabin but she declined. He stared at Aphrodite's daughter walking off to her cabin.

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As the girl walked off to her cabin she ran into the boy who had gotten her claimed. The one and only Jason. "Hi my love." Jason said with a grin that looked quite literally evil. Lacy looked uncomfortable and just tried to ignore him. "Leave me alone Jason." The girl hissed. "Your new boyfriend isn't here to defend you sweetheart." Jason hissed. Lacy ran away as fast as possible because she just hated him, after he became friends with the Ares kids. She loathed the way he looked at her with such hatred. Once she arrived to her cabin she closed the door locked it, changed into her pjs, and turned off her lights. The light of her vanity was still bright enough for her to see. She sat in her vanity looking at herself. Tears streaming down her eyes. She took off her makeup and cried herself to sleep

Unknowingly her mother was watching her only daughter hurt, know she couldn't do anything hurt the goddess. Aphrodite hated seeing her daughter suffer. The love goddess started crying as well, feeling so much guilt.

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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞
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Anyways we hate jason he's supposed to be like a golden retriever but he became all emo when lacy broke his heart 💔💔 but like no one cares cus hes not gonna be important after next chapter 😈 anyways like percy and lacy are so cutie 🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍

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