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Percy had sliced medusas head off with his sword and now the group was think about what to do with it. "I think we should freeze alecto right now, and then figure what to do after." Lacy said with a hint of sadness her voice sounded very quiet and croaky the girl sniffled. As she had been crying for after medusa said all those hurtful things about her and her mother. Annabeth agreed, Grover agreed, and percy agreed. For the first time since the quest had started they finally agreed on something.

Percy was holding the box that contained medusas head. While Lacy accompanied the boy. "Lacy are you okay.?" The girl was quiet, she hadn't said a word since medusa had called her narcissistic. Yeah sure the girl was confident. But not confident enough to be narcissistic. "Uhm..y-yeah I guess im fine, im okay. Just a bit you know scared." Lacy replied her voice still shaky and soft. Percy noticed this and he wanted nothing more but to take that pain away from the poor girl.

"Do you mind opening the door, my hands are kinda full here" percy chuckled. Lacy smiled at the boy. She couldn't deny it, Aphrodite had for sure blessed percy with beauty. The boy had gorgeous blue eyes. She could sink and drown, even die staring into them. She loved his smile. It brought warmth to her.

Lacy opened the door but paused before fully allowing the boy to step outside.

"You got the head positioned correctly so we wont accidentally stone ourselves?" Lacy asked. Percy smiled at the girls worried act. "Yeah Veena. Sorry I meant lace, oh shit Lacy, sorry I-I meant lacy." The boy chuckled nervously, embarrassed at his actions. The girl laughed at his antics "Veena? I like it. Veena." Percy awkwardly laughed and they shot Alecto with medusas cold stare. Alecto had turned into stone.

The pair went back down to the basement. They saw Annabeth comforting Grover. The blue-eyed pair shot each other looks of concern. "Whats wrong?" Asked percy with worry for his friend. Lacy looked worried as well she knew that the poor saytr had been through so much already. "This as far as uncle Ferdinand got on his quest." Grover spoke with sadness in his voice. "Oh im so sorry my love." Lacy spoke with such comfort. She hugged the saytr. Grover felt the love that Lacy sent in that hug. He felt better.

"He's not like the rest, he doesn't look scared." Grover spoke feeling proud even. The 3 other quest mates looked at him with sympathetic eyes. "Now where on to next?"

"No, no, no, no." Lacy said. They all looked at her with concern in their eyes. "We are gonna fix what happened right now before we move on." Everyone just looked at lacy not saying a word. "You should have accepted my offer when you had the chance? What the fuck Annabeth.? What offer is she talking about, and why did she have to hear it from her?" Lacy asked. Percy agreed, "Yeah Annabeth what the fuck?" Lacy gave percy a side eye "you too jackson. Whats up with medusa talking about your mom as if shes still alive? Is your mom still alive?" Lacy asked percy as well.

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