"𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐲"

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Long ago the gods went to the oracle to listen to prophecy about Aphrodites daughter and posideons son

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Long ago the gods went to the oracle to listen to prophecy about Aphrodites daughter and posideons son. The prophecy was very specific in what was to come
"In the depths where waves dance, a union blooms, a son of Poseidon, daughter of loves perfumes. Their loves tempest stirs the cosmic seas, echos of turmoil heard by all the dites.
From the waves to the stars their passion does soar, But chaos endoors like never before. Aphrodites charm, Poseidons might. A union foretold, a cosmic fight.
Worlds collide, as the gods debate, their intertwined fate, mountains tremble oceans rise, As the cosmos witness their lives demise."

Aphrodite was not happy about her Ex's child falling for her own. She knew Lacy would be the closest to being as perfect and beautiful as her. Lacy was born from the sea, just like her mother. As the Greeks said, "Sea is the elemental of love". Therefore Aphrodite rose from the water and so did her daughter.

Sure it might have not been fair that Aphrodite had a favorite daughter but, Lacy was just too much like her. So it was obvious she was the favorite. Out of all the Aphrodite children she was the most beautiful by far. So beautiful that even Apollo starting going after her. Many gods paid attention to her, hoping she would some day pray to them.

As for the Demi gods, it was the same. The boys, the girls, they all liked Lacy. She was absolutely loved by everyone. The Ares kids even loved her, specially a certain Hermes boy had his own interests in her.

Luke saw Lacy and thought she was unbelievable, he thought she was fake at first. There had been propicies here and there about the two. Even some about a son of Poseidon and him fighting over her. Apollo obviously did not like this, he was even jealous of Luke.

"Mom?" Lacy asked. She saw a women that was drop dead gorgeous, she looked as beautiful as her mom. The women looked over and saw the girl, but she teleported away, like an illusion. "What the.." lacy muttered under her breath. She started running around looking for the woman from the bar. Finally she caught up to her and stopped the Lady. "Lacy! I have been expecting you darling, you must dry this drink they named it after you". Lacy looked at the women, who was she? How did she know her name.

"Who are you?" Lacy asked, "it's me your mother sweetheart, who else could be as beautiful as me?" From the sentence she knew it was her mother. Only her mother was the most conceded woman alive, and Lacy was too.  "It's a virgin honey." Aphrodite cleared, she saw her daughter have a look of relief when she said it was a virgin drink.

"Alright." Lacy took the pink drink, and she drank. It tasted sweet like cotton candy, with a bit of peach flavor. It had glitter and gold inside of it. It was a very pretty drink. "Lacy I need your help." The women said, "we need to find my mirror, I haven't been able to find it. I believe I lost it in here but I need you to help me." Lacy pondered whether she should go or not.

Fuck it. "Okay mom let's go, but we have to hurry I came here with....I came here with...wait who did I come with again?" Lacy asked. "I don't know but let's go my sweet girl." The women that resembled Aphrodite grabbed Lacy's wrist and dragged her away deeper into the casino.

"Where's Lacy and Grover?" Percy asked. He looked for the most beautiful girl in the casino. There was no sight of the blue eyed beauty. "We need to find Lacy." Percy stated. Annabeth raised an eye brow. "What about Grover?" She asked. "Oh yeah him too."

"I'll find Lacy you go find Grover." Percy needed to find the girl, she was to only person keeping him sane. "Okay I guess, we have to hurry. Remember what Hermes said time goes by different here." Annabeth warned. "Okay see you." Percy said wondering off into the casino, he was mesmerized by all the colorful lights and games. He saw Lacy walking with a stranger. It was a boy, Percy was not happy to say the least. He was angry, who was taking his Lacy away.

"Lacy!" Percy yelled the girl was in some sort of trance. "Lacy!" He yelled running at the girl, he latched on to her wrist and tried to pull her away. She looked over and smiled "do I know you?"

Those words shattered Percy's heart. Tears threatening to fall, she had eaten a lotus flower. She looked high. Like if she had smoked the lotus flower. "Lacy, you know me. I'm your friend, please we need to go now." Percy warned his voice about to break into 50 million pieces. "I don't think I know you...I need to go with my mom to help her find her mirror." She smiled at him, with the same smile everyone adored.

"Lacy that is not your mother. Your mother is on Olympus." Percy reminded. Lacy looked at her so called "mother" and the strange blonde boy.

"Lacy please come with me, I beg of you." Percy pleaded, the girl felt sympathy for the boy. But she felt something in her gut tell her that she needed to go with the boy. "Alright.." lacy said she had given in. She walked away from her so called mother who was really a guy who laced her drink with a lotus flower.

He tried to chase after them but the pair of blue eyes out ran him. "We need to get out of here now." Percy dragged her out of the door and looked for Annabeth and Grover in the parking lot. "Okay we need to find this car, what could it be..?" Annabeth pondered to herself. "Is this the quest?" Grover asked. "Are we going to find the car and go home?" He asked excitedly. "No Grover there's plenty more to the quest." Percy told the saytr

"Lacy? Where's Lacy?" Annabeth asked. "Who is Lacy?" Grover responded. "Lacy is the most beautiful girl you will ever meet." Annabeth replied to him. Lacy on the other hand was looking at her reflection in mirror of a taxi. "Lacy! You genius!" Annabeth quipped. "I am?" Lacy smiled. "Yes! You found Hermes card. There's a letter addressed to us." Annabeth said.

"How do you know it's for us?" Percy questioned. Was Annabeth that smart? "It says to the dumb kids." Annabeth replied with sarcasm. "I am not dumb." Lacy said offended. "What she said." Grover added. Annabeth rolled her eyes at the pairs tactics. "I think you and I are gonna be BFFs!" Lacy smiled as she hugged the saytr. Grover hugged the Aphrodite girl back smiling and nodding in agreement.

Authors note 💌🕊️
Guys I'm legit super tired like omg I lowk ate the prophecy up tho.....like 😜😜😜😜

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