A dream?

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I wake up in a strange place...it was empty...there was no sky, land, grass, people, there wasn't anything. I thought until I saw a little red headed girl.

"Hey! Are you alright?!" I walk over to her and tap her on the shoulder

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"Hey! Are you alright?!" I walk over to her and tap her on the shoulder. She jolts up and stumbles backwards. "Sorry I didn't mean to startle you." "What are you doing here..?" "I'm not sure to be honest. I don't even remember how I got here. By the way do you need help getting those threads off of you?" "No and what do you mean you don't know how you got here?" "I just kinda show up in random spots. Though this is the first time I've been here." "Leave." I suddenly wake up. "Ok that was rude." I walk out of my room and bump into Kaeshomi. "Ah sorry Kaeshomi." "All good! By the way ya got somethin on yer arm." I look down at my arm and notice my 'scar' had gotten worse. I run off to the bathroom and pull out a container of cream. I put it on my scar. "There, it shouldn't be spreading this fast..." I pick up my phone. 'It's almost out of battery..I hope moms alright.' I look up at the mirror noticing a small black figure behind me, I sigh as I turn around and look at it. It moves from the doorway and runs off to another room, I follow it and spot Koji and Daichi in the room. I move a little closer and notice Daichi clinging onto Koji as he injects something into Daich.

I stand behind the wall in shock, I thought he loved him? And why is he covered in blood? What the hells going on with him? I look back at them as I notice the symbol on his jacket

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I stand behind the wall in shock, I thought he loved him? And why is he covered in blood? What the hells going on with him? I look back at them as I notice the symbol on his jacket. I've seen that somewhere...I take a picture of it with my almost dead phone. I got to walk away when I hear them mumble something. "Koji it hurts.." "I know but it's for your own good. You want to retain your freedom right?" "..yeah, but when will you let me help you..?" "You making a 'cure' is already enough ok?" "Alright.." A...cure? A cure for what? I start walking back to my room when I bump into Veran. "Ow watch where you're fuck'n going." "Veran? What are you still doing here? Didn't they let you go?" "No that ass hat of a puppeteer won't let me fucking leave." "Puppeteer?" "Oh yeah you probably haven't heard, I struck a deal with this ass hat which ended up in me selling my soul. So I'm basically one of 'them' now." "Them?" "Never mind I don't feel like explaining it." "Hey wait-and she's gone..great." I walk off to my room as I notice Koi sitting on my bed. "Hey." He looks up at me and sighs. "Hey I think I found one of the pieces to that mirror." "Really?!! That's great!" "..yeah"

Sephtis leads us back to the house, as we walk inside we spot a little girl. "Hey that's the-" before I can get my words out Koi covers my mouth and ducks behind the counter. "Koi what the hell?!" "Shh! Shut up!" "Why.?" "That little girls that dick Koji's sister" "Why does that matter?" "Have you not caught on yet? He clearly doesn't like us at all. Well me at least I'm sure he'll loveee you." "Is this about that thing with Daichi-" "NO!" I look over and spot the girl over by the mirror as she picks up an axe. "Hey she's go-" "It's not worth picking a fight with her." "But she's-" "Just trust me...please." "Fine..." The girl strikes at the mirror and with one blow it's completely wrecked.
Spehtis comes up at possibly one of the WORST TIMES EVER. She spots him and throws the axe, barely missing him as he doges it. I rush and pin her down and she's surprisingly strong for what looks like an 11 year old. I swear that shard of glass just materialized in her hand. She stabs me in the throat as Koi throws her off of me. She hits the wall and struggles to get to her feet as Koi pulls the glass out of my throat. "K-Koi she's..." He raps up my throat and runs after her. I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my head as I black out.

I don't know how long passed but I wake up tied to a wall. I spot Daichi laying in a chair unconscious as Koji walks in. "Koji!" He looks at me as he rolls his eyes. "What?" "Can you untie me?" "No" "Why not?!!" "Because it was a lot of fucking work to get you up there." "What are you going to do? Kill me?" "I don't want to clean that up." "Then why else am I up here?!!" Daichi groans as I notice little black veins on him. Koji walks over to him and injects something into him. "Hey what the hell-" "Shut up I know what I'm doing." "Know what your doing or not your hurting him." "I rather put him in a small amount of pain then kill him." "And what's going to kill him huh?" I ask in a half smart-assed tone. "Considering he shouldn't even be alive I'm basically his savior, but let's get down to business shall we?" He sits down in front of me. "Your in my world, and I want you to leave." "Your world?" "Yes jackass my world." "And why is it your world?" "I made everything in here including the people." "But why? Didn't you have a life before?" "I'm not telling you just so you can pity me." Daichi sits up and looks over at us. "Wh-What is she d-doing here?" "O-Oh your awake! Hehe you weren't supposed to see this~!" "Y-You said we wouldn't hide things from each other..." "Yeah but I've got to uh...settle somethings alright?" "...ok." He leads Daichi out of the room. The rope breaks as I fall to the floor. Koji glares at me as he pulls my hair. "If you ever mention this to Daichi I will make your death even more painful got it?!" "Fuck you." "Kyoko?!!" I hear Koi shout as he hits Koji in the back of the head with the end of his sword. Koji drops to the floor as I hear a blood curtailing scream from down the hallway. Koi picks me up and we run out of the room. I could see a shit eating grin on Koji's face as we continue to run down the hallway. I look back behind us as I see a creature that looks like a woman but her limbs are all twisted up and she's crawling on all fours. "What in the actual fuck is that?!!!" Koi didn't even look back and we push threw what looked like the same red door that got us here. We stumble out and shut the door behind us. "Did we lose it?" "Holy shit..." We get up and look around and this is the exact same room we were in before we got here. "We did it.." "Don't get excited yet." We walk out of the building and start running towards the nearest police station. But before we can get there the ground underneath us breaks and we fall into a void. We fall for what feels like hours before we hit the bottom of Kaeshomi's ship. "What the fuck?! Are y'all oka'y?!!" Koi hits the side of the ship and I think this is the first time Ive actually seen him cry. "Goddamn it!" "Hey it's ok Koi..w-we'll make it out of here one way or another." Koi walks off as Kaeshomi crouches next to me. "Hey what's dat in yer pocket?" "Oh this? It's my phone-" Before I could finish my sentence she snatches it. "What does it dooo~??" "You can take pictures, call people, and look up information." "...how does it work??" "It's dead and I don't have a way to charge it." "How do ya charge it??" I pull out my phone charger. "I have to plug this into an outlet and the electricity charges it." She sits there for a minute before grabbing my arm and walking towards her room. I sit on her bed as she pulls out a large metal box. "Ya said ya needed electricity to charge it right?" "Yeahhh..?" She puts my phone on the box as she takes my phone charger. She plugs my phone into the box as it slowly starts charging. "Holy shit it's working!" "I'm amazin I know!"

Koi's POV
I find myself back at the entrance of the bar, I sit down as I lay my head on the table. 'We were so close..' I mumble over and over as I start to sob. Hours pass and I look up at Thomiji. "What?" "Your drinking really heavily.." "..and?" "You're going to hurt yourself." "Oh...ok." "That's it? You don't care?" "Not really.." He sits down next to me.

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