I donno what to call this chapter lol

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"I could say the same...how in the hell did you get out anyway?" "A red haired boy pointed me to the exit. I honestly would have died if he hadn't because I would have sat there like a moron." "Felt that one."

Once they reached Kyoko and Kero.
"Koi! Where were you?! And who the fuck is this?" "Oh this Veran, an old friend of mine." "Anyways I came here for something and I'm getting sidetracked." Veran said before she saw Kero. "Kill it." "What why?! What did it do to you?!" "It ruined my life!" Veran ran towards Kero but Kyoko got in the way. "Kyoko move!" Koi yelled but she didn't move at all. Veran stabbed her in the hand and then slashed at her neck. "D-Damn it...K-Kero RUN!" Kero did as told and ran, Veran being pissed off now through the knife in to Kyoko's back and ran after Kero. "Oh my fucking god, we need to get you help." Koi said pick Kyoko up and run towards the nearest village. They walked inside the hospital. "Oh my goddess what happened?!" "She was stupid." "We'll do our best to get her fixed."

After a while
"She's all better and by the way I'm Tomiji" "I'm Koi and thanks."

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