Daichi part 2

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Daichi's POV
'Stupid kid! I wish you weren't even born!'
'Your the reason mom died!'
I woke up sweating and I was crying? Koji sat up looking worried. "Are you ok?" My eyes filled with more water as I buried my face in his chest. "Shh, it's ok..."
I drifted back to sleep.

I wake up and my head is killing me!
I looked up and Koji's sitting at the end of the bed. "K-Koji?" "H-Huh? Oh...your awake..." He hugs me. "I'm so sorry..." "What are you talking about-?" He looked up at me as tears started to roll down his face. I tilted my head. "You really don't remember?" "No?" "Y-Your dad...he..." Koji couldn't even seem to get the words out. "Eh? What did he do?" His face turns to pure horror and I realized what had happened. "Oh..." "Oh? OH!?! THATS IT!? HAS THIS HAPPENED BEFORE!!!?" "Which part?" His face goes pale as he steps back. "What the fuck? A-Are you ok?! H-How many times has this happened!!?" I think for a second. "A-A couple..." "A COUPLE!!?" He pulls me into another hug. "I'm so sorry..." "K-Koji-? Are you ok?" "No! My boyfriend just got the shit beat out of him by his dad!" "B-But I deserved it-" "Is that what he's been telling you!?" I nod. "He's only doing it because he loves me." "But I love you, and I'm not beating the shit out of you!" "Well yeah that's true but-" "Just wait right here." He walks out of the room. What was that about?

Koji's POV
"I'll fucking end him..." I hop up into Daichi's window and walk downstairs. That's when I bump into his brother. "What the hell? Who the fuck are you?" "Your brothers boyfriend." He rolled his eyes. "My brother got a boyfriend? Good for him." He walked away not even questioning why I'm in his house? I'm good with that. I walk into the living room. "Where the hell is this man!?" "If your looking for dad he's not here." "Then where is he?" "I don't know."

I sigh and walk back to my house. "Daichi?" He looks at me. "O-Oh your back!" "Hey sorry I didn't mean to make things awkward, you hungry?" He nods. "Alright come on." I walk into the kitchen and Daichi follows behind me. "Do you have anything you specifically wanted?" "Um...I k-kind of wanted pancakes...i-if it's not to much trouble!" I sigh and kiss Daichi on the cheek. "It's no trouble at all!"

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