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This is one of my first one shots so please let me know if you like it
Sorry it's kinda short
This story contains: smut and abbreviations
Characters: Chris x you/ reader
Word count: 1,307

You and Chris had been best friends for almost a year and he knew almost everything about you except that you were a full blown virgin and had never done anything with a boy before besides a little kissing but it was because you never liked or trusted anyone enough to do anything before.

You just got home and got ready to take a shower grabbing your clothes and a rose scented body wash, as you were turning the shower on you got a text from someone you picked up your phone and saw that it was Chris. So you clicked on the message to text him

Chris: hey are you busy rn

You: not really I'm abt to shower why

Chris: I was just wandering if you wanted to sleep over tonight cus Matt and nick are going to leave in a little and will be gone all night and I don't want to be alone

You: yea let me shower then I will be on my way
Read 7:34 pm

You and Chris had sleepovers all the time and you were never nervous about it but for some reason this time you were. You got in the shower and finished as fast as you could wanting to see Chris cause you miss him.

as you got dressed and put on gray sweatpants and a black tube top, it was a basic outfit but it didn't matter cause you and Chris were just going to watch a movie like you always did. You packed your bag and got on your phone to call Chris and surprisingly he didn't answer so you just decided to text him

You : hey I'm coming over in a little

Chris: ok sorry I didn't answer I'm helping Matt with something rn

You: it's alr see you in a bit
   Read 8:25 pm

                      ~ TIME SKIP ~

You finally got to his house and you knocked a couple times before his brother Nick answered " Heyy thank god Chris has been bugging us ever since you said you were coming over" he says hugging you
" hey is he just in his bedroom" you say walking down the hallway " yea he should be have fun" nick says walking to the couch.

You opened the door and immediately got attacked by Chris hugging you " hey I missed you wanna watch a movie" Chris says walking back over to his bed " yea sure as long as I get to pick" you say jumping beside him " yeah yeah whatever" Chris says rolling his eyes before handing you the remote.

The movie is almost done and you are laying on Chris's chest and his arm is around you. You were bored watching the movie and thinking about a video you saw earlier and it was talking about how it feels to get eaten out, and you being the person you are asks Chris " hey what dose it feel like to get eaten out by someone" you say looking at him and he turns to you kinda shocked by the question you just asked
" umm I'm a man so I've only ever done it to someone so you should ask a girl" Chris says as his cheeks turn pink " wait you've never been eaten out before" he says a little confused, " no I've never really done anything with anyone before other then a couple make outs" you say quietly looking at his chest " oh" he says playing with his strings of his hoodie.

You sit up and look at Chris trying to put the words together till you finally got the words out " umm d-do you think y-you could maybe do it to me" you say fast and quiet embarrassed at what just came out of your mouth " do what?" Chris says sitting up to look at you. " maybe you could eat me out. You don't have to though!" You say regretting your words. Chris turns red instantly " uh yea I guess but it might feel a little weird cause it's your first time" he say slowly moving closer to you " can i kiss you princess" he says into her ear
" yea " you say but before you could think you felt his lips meeting yours " is this ok"Chris said as he started to rub up against your leg " yea that's o-okay" you say through a moan

Chris starts to kiss down your neck leaving marks and stoping when he gets to your shirt " can I take this off" he says as he tugs on your shirt you don't say anything but nod " I needs words princess" he says
looking up at you " y-yes you can" you say a little nervous he won't like what he sees and will want to stop.

He doesn't wait a minute more and he begins to pull your shirt over your head leaving you in your bra. When he gets your shirt off he doesn't say anything he just stares at your now almost bare chest
" what's wrong" you say moving up a little
" nothing is wrong princess your beautiful" he says kissing down your chest, you let out a moan when he gets right above your pants and you can see him smiling a little as he looks up at you " are you sure you want to do this" he says coming up to kiss your neck " yes I wanna do this just be gentle" you say starting to pull your pants down all the way " sounds good princess just tell me if you need or want to stop" he says kissing you down your body as you let out moans when he hits a sensitive spot. When he gets to your underwear he looks up at you to ask if he can take them off but before he could you start to take them off while he is still kissing every part of you.

When you get them off all the way you or Chris don't say anything mainly because he is completely zoned out on your now bare pussy " Chris you ok?" You say a little confused at what is happening to him " yea I'm ok your just perfect, but let me know if I'm being to rough cause I might zone out" Chris says smiling looking at your core like it's about to be his last meal

" o-okay just eat me o-"  you begin to say but get cut off by Chris kissing just above your clit. " fuck you taste so good" Chris says through a groan as he begins to suck your clit " mhmm chriss" you say grabbing to bed sheets as your back arches. He speeds up his movements as he slides a finger in your hole " fuck your so tight"

Chris says as you and him both moan he hits your g spot sending you over the edge
" fuck Chris I'm gonna cum" you say arching your back " cum for me princess" he says as he speeds up his finger and begins rubbing your clit

You feel knot in  your stomach singling you were close. " fuck Chris I'm closee" you say moving your hand down to his hair and pulling it a little earning a groan from Chris. and before you know it your cumming on Chris's finger " fuckk y/nn you taste so good" he says sucking up all of your cum making sure not to miss a single drop.

When he finished cleaning your core he moved up to kiss you, sliding his tongue in your mouth to give you a taste of yourself " you taste so good princess" he said smiling kissing you once more. Sending shivers up your back and at that moment you knew that you never wanted to lose him ever.

Him calling you that name made you want to tell him that you love him right then and there but instead you said " c-chris can you take my virginity" when you finished your words he didn't say anything for a minute causing you to worry a little.

After what felt like forever of Chris just staring at you he kissed you and then said " we have tomorrow princess why don't you get some rest" those made you melt inside. you agreed and kissed him back eventually falling asleep on him.
Lmk if you want a part 2 cus I will make it I just made this at night and was really tired so I just decided to have him just eat her out
But my other story's are better I promise

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