show me pt.2

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someone wanted a pt 2 of the show me so here it is! sorry it's kinda short but I'm planing on posting a long Matt story soon. 

if you haven't read the first part I would go read that. its the first one on this one shots story.

characters: Chris x reader

warnings: smut and slight aggression

word count: 1,012



Summary- (you stayed the night at Chris's house last night. He ended up eating you out, it being the first time for you ever. And as you were laying down you asked him if he could take your virginity. He said that you should get some rest and you would talk about it tomorrow.)

It was around 10 in the morning when you woke up. Once your eyes focused you turned over to face Chris. He was still sleeping it still being early for him. You reached over him grabbing your phone careful not to wake him up. Chris stirred in his sleep turning over to face you. He opened his eyes and smiled when he saw you looking at him.

"Morning beautiful, how'd you sleep?" Chris says sitting up slightly

" hard" you say laughing softly, turning around so your back is up against Chris. Feeling his bare chest since neither of you got dressed last night.

He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. Bringing one hand up to cup your chest. He places a soft kiss on your neck, then another, and another. Making you let out a soft moan moving your neck, giving him more access. He began to kiss your neck sucking and biting. Slowly moving down to your chest. Flipping you over so he was on top of you. He began sucking, licking and squeezing your boobs.

You were growing impatient and starting to need him more and more.

" c-chris please-" you said bringing your hand up to his hair to pull him off of you.

" please what baby?" Chris said smiling knowing exactly what you wanted and were trying to say.

" I need more" you said grabbing his hand and moving it to make contact with your wet cunt. Making his eyes roll back at how wet you are.

" ok baby, are you sure?" He says pressing a soft kiss on your lips.

" yes Chris!! Just please fuck me-" you say getting impatient
He nods and begins to take his sweats off along with his boxers. Then he lines himself up with your entrance. He slowly pushes in stopping about halfway. Making you let out a loud scream. ( they don't have a condom but if that bugs you then just imagine them using one or dont idc)

" fuck Chris!!" You say when he bottoms out

" mhmm fuck your so tight.." he says not moving yet

" y-you can...move Chris" you say which he then pulls out halfway before slamming into you with full force.

" mhm your so tight baby.. fitting around my cock so perfectly" he says repeatedly pounding into you.

" fuck Chris I c-can't take it s-slow down..  mhmm- please" you say letting out moans.

Chris doesn't stop and continues to fuck you dumb. He slows down a little grabbing your waist, picking you up and flipping you over. So your ass was in the air and your face pushed up against the pillow. He lines himself up with your hole again. Before pushing in slowly. Letting out a groan when he bottoms out. He begins to fuck you at a painfully slow pace. Making you wish you never asked him to slow down.

" faster.. chris- please" you say whining.

" yeah you like me fucking you dumb huh?" He says smirking. Before picking up his pace.

He begins to pull in and out at a pace that makes your whole mind go blank. He leans down placing kisses all over your neck. Sucking and biting every inch of your neck. You feel yourself start to get closer. Trying to tell him but nothing comes out. You bring your hand behind you and grab the arm that was holding you by your waist. Letting out a moan as he hits your g-spot repeatedly, making you see stars.

" c-close.. don't stop- please" you say squeezing his arm harder.

" I don't plan on it baby" he says bringing one of his hands down to your clit. Rubbing fast circles making you moan uncontrollably.

He removes his hand and slows down. Pulling out of you to flip you over so you were straddling him.

" wh-what I was c-close.. why'd you stop-"

" if you want to finish your gonna have to ride me" he says putting his hands on your waist slamming you down on his cock. Making you let out a whine.

" come on baby I'll help you" Chris says picking you up again to slam you back down onto him.

You begin to ride him moving up and down on his cock. Making him let out a groan. You pick up your pace on his cock, grinding on him. He brings his face up to your chest and begins to suck on your nipples. You feel your stomach start to tighten. Signaling your about to cum.

" I'm going to cum Chris" you say slowing down your movements.

" me to baby cum with me" he says beginning to toy with your clit

You feel the knot in your stomach release. Coating his cock in your liquids. letting out a loud moan, and his name. You feel his cock twitch and he shoots his warm liquid into you.  Cursing under his breath as he coats your walls. He grabs your hips and pulls out of you. Making yours and his liquids fall onto him. He gets up and walks to his bathroom and comes out with a towel. He wipes you off and gives you some of his clothes. He lays down next to you and wraps his arms around you.

" sorry if I was to rough"

" you weren't don't worry, I actually liked it" you say placing a kiss on his lips before falling asleep in his arms.

( sorry abt the end I'm certainly high and drunk rn🤗 so I wasn't really wanting to write a bunch of after care. But love y'all and please leave suggestions because I am running out of ideas but I'm trying to deliver stories before I disappear for a while)

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