Pool day.

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Hey guys sorry about the wait. I'm just really busy and I don't have any good ideas for one shots.
Also thank you for almost 1k reads!

But this one was requested and i switched it up a little but you should like it!
Characters: Chris, nick, matt x reader
No smut!!
TW!!: sexual assault ( not by Matt!!!) please do not read if this is a sensitive topic for you. Sorry if it's a little inaccurate, I'm going off how I felt when it happened to me!!
Please leave suggestions!!

Also sorry that it's so short I started to get a little uncomfortable writing this half way through I apologize in advance:)

Word count: 1:567


You and Matt were planning on going to the pool today, and you were pretty excited. Mainly because you just got a new swim suit that you've been wanting to show off.

You and Matt have been best friends for a long time, so when he asked you if you wanted to go to the pool with him you didn't see a problem. You have known Matt for about 3 years, and you met him at a party one time. Since then you guys have been inseparable.

When you woke up, you checked your phone and saw a bunch of messages from Matt. So once your eyes focused on your phone screen. You unlocked your phone and clicked on the multiple messages from Matt.

Matt: hey are you up
Delivered at 10:24

Matt: hello wake up i don't have all day
Delivered at 10:30

Matt: hey man wake up
Delivered at 10:37

Matt: yo.
Matt: wake.
Matt: the.
Matt: fuck.
Delivered at 11:02

You: hey sorry I kinda stayed up late last night

Matt: it's fine i guess. But I have a question for you buddy

You: yes?

Matt: can my brothers come to the pool with us they are bugging me, and they won't stop asking me. They won't even swim with us if you don't want them to

You: Matt it's fine they can come, I know you will enjoy it better if they are there

Matt: ok thank you what time do you wanna come over?

You: is like 1:30 ok

Matt: can you do 1?

You: yea I can see you soon

Matt: alr tootles
Read at 11:30 am

{time skip}

It was now 12:45 and you decided that you were just going to get dressed at the pool's locker room because you were running a little late. So you grabbed the closest bag to you and put your swimsuit, sunscreen, towel and a couple other things in the bag. After you were all ready you texted Matt and said you were on your way.

You got there around 1:20. When you got there you parked on the side walk by there house, so that Matt would be able to get his car out. As you reached the front door of Matt and his brothers house you could hear faint voices. You walked in and noticed that it was nick and Matt yelling at each other about something.

When Matt noticed you were here he walked away from Nick flipping him off. Once he reached you he smiled and hugged you and you could tell he missed you.

" so much for 1:00, it's almost 2." Matt said pulling away from you to look at you. Eventually looking down at your outfit noticing you don't have your swimsuit on.

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