What are you doing?

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Hey This one is short because it happens over a phone so I didn't know how to make it long. But I am planning on posting a bunch this and next week because im going on vacation soon so I won't be able to post.

Word count: 742 

There is smut in this not a lot tho

Characters: Sub!chris x reader

Again sorry its so short

Enjoy :)

It was around 12 In the morning and you had just gotten home from work. You layed down on your bed and pulled out your phone. You were planning on calling your friend Chris after work. So you pulled out your phone to text Chris.

You: hey I just got home is it to late to call

Chris: no but I'm kind of busy rn so can I call you when I'm done

You: yeah
Read 12:27

You just decided to watch some tv while you waited for Chris to call. A couple minutes passed and a call notification popped up. Clicking answer and putting your phone up to your ear.

" hey.." was what you heard when you put your phone to your ear. His voice was deep and scratchy sounding like he just woke up

"Hey sorry that it's so late I had a long day at work" you said sighing

" its, fine tell me about your day"

" it was good other then one thing" you said rolling your eyes

"what.. happened?" You heard him say while letting out a sigh

" this family came into the restaurant without a reservation. So I told them to leave and they refused and started throwing a fit." You said getting kinda loud " so I had to call the cops for them to leave. But after that it was good"

"thats good" he says letting out another sigh this time followed by a, wet sound?..

You shook the thought out of your head because it was crazy, right?.. surely Chris wasn't getting himself off from your talking. Because that would be weird and gross. So then why did that thought make your underwear soak?..

" k-keep talking.." Chris pleads when he notices you stop talking

" about what?" You say In a flirty voice

" anything just talk.. please" he says through what was obviously a moan

"What are you doing Christopher?.." you said acting clueless

"n-nothing I'm just tired." Chris says followed by another obvious moan

"answer my question chris" you say squeezing your legs together to get some friction.

" im t-touching-" Chris says cutting himself off by a loud moan.

" are you touching yourself while on the phone with me Chris?.."

" y-yes im t-touching myself to..mhm the s-sound of your v-voice" Chris says in between moans

" you couldn't wait till we got off the phone? Your that much of a whore?" You say earning a moan from Chris

"keep talking.. im close" Chris says through a moan. The wet sounds speeding up.

" wish I could see your pretty face while you moan. I bet you look so good right now.. huh?"

" mhmm" he says going faster on his movements

" FaceTime me I wanna see your pretty face" you say

Chris says ok and immediately calls you. You answer and your met with Chris sitting on his bed. Shirtless with messy hair that was sticking to his face.

" y-you look good" Chris says looking down at his phone then back at what he was doing

"Let me see your pretty cock baby" you say sitting up and propping your phone on your side table

Chris flips the camera over to reveal his member. The tip was an angry red and leaking of precum. He was moving his hand up and down occasionally putting his thumb across the slit catching the leaking precum.

" im close" Chris says speeding up his movements

" cum for me baby"

And that was all he needed to hear and he was shooting his cum all over his stomach. He slowed down his movements and his breathing. He flipped the camera back to him. His hair was messy and he looked absolutely fucked out.

" thank you" Chris said smiling sheepishly

" anytime" you say smiling before he hangs up

Chris: next time its your turn

You: next time?

Chris: oh I just mean if you wanted next time I could help you

You: yeah sure definitely

Chris: and i didn't even get to see your pretty tits

You: 1 image
You: all you had to do was say something

Chris: fuck now im hard again

You: sorryy

Chris: I'll call you tmr but im going to bed

You: ok goodnight love you

Chris: goodnight love you too

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