Home alone

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Hey sorry for the wait I'm still working on a new story but I decided to move my other oneshots to here
so I will be posting a new story soon hopefully today
This story will contain smut
Characters: Matt, nick, Chris x reader
Word count: 1,588
You slept over with nick the night before because a movie just came out and you wanted to watch it with him. Nick and matt had just left to get food for all of us for when we watched the movie. your sitting on your phone bored when you get a text from nick
Nick: hey me and matt are stuck in traffic it going to be a bit

You: ok have you got the food yet

Nick: no its gonna be at least and hour

You : ughh ok just let me know when your coming back

Nick: ok tell chris please

You : ok
—————————————————————— Your walking up to chris's room and hear groaning from his bedroom you knock on the door " hey chris you ok in there" you say not getting a response but hearing movement " uhh yea im good "  he says

"ok can i come in i have to tell you something
" umm yea just give me a sec i need to uhh put a shirt on" he says nervously " i dont care if you have a shirt on or not " you say as you walk into his room and see him sitting on his bed with his pants down halfway making it obvious what he was doing " SHIT " you say covering your eyes and slamming the door shut" sorry sorry sorry" you say regretting your actions

" its ok im sorry hold on" chris says rummaging through his room to find a shirt " come in" chris says and you open the door and stand there for a moment chris doing the same " so um " chris says before getting cut off " im sorry i should have listened when you said hold on" you say hopefully breaking the silence " its fine i shouldn't have been doing that while you were over" he says in a completely calm voice

" what did you need to tell me" Chris says still looking at the ground " oh um I forgot" you say~
you head back up stairs still thinking about what just happened and  how good he sounded moaning. you get upstairs and sit on the couch when you see a text from matt
Matt: yo we got the food and are heading back right now

You: ok ill be in the living room

Matt: alright be home in 10

Matt and nick barge through the door scaring you at how loud they were.
"finally" you say reaching for your food when your hear someone say " jeez i thought i was gonna die" you look up from your food and see chris standing above you and when he looks at you he instantly looks away and so do you, " you good your really red" matt says to me " yep im totally great" you say back with a smile on your face. you look down at the ground under the table and see that Chris is fully erected still probably cause you interrupted him and he didn't get to finish you cough almost choking  " you ok are you going to die" Chris says joking "yea i'm fine" you say taking a sip of water

you look at Chris kicking his foot softly  and when he looks up at you , " look down " you mouth and he looks down and instantly turns red " what is it with you guys and being red" Matt says loudly, you both look down at your food not saying anything. " its just really hot in here " Chris says and Matt laughs " ok buddy " Matt says " when are we going to watch the movie " Nick interrupts hoping to break the awkwardness between everyone

"Right now" Chris says standing up, so everyone walks to the living room " I call the seats in front of the tv " Matt and nick say looking at each other knowing it will make you and Chris red but they don't know what happened to make you guys so awkward.
Chris looked at you and smiled immediately sending shivers down your spine. We all sit down to watch the movie Nick and Matt each had a blanket and Chris had a pillow " are you cold " you asked Chris he nods his head "yea I am" he says quietly so you offer him some of your blanket and he takes the offer. you scoot closer to him to share the blanket and you hear a muffled noise under his breath when you moved over to him wanting to hear that sound again so you move closer " what are you doing " he asked

" I'm making you make the sounds you were earlier " you said really quiet you slowly putting your hand on his dick that was fully hard though his pajama pants " what are you doing " he said " shh just watch the movie " you said slowly moving your hang up and down on the outside of his pants " fuckk mhmm" Chris says almost making Matt look at you guys " shhh your going to get us caught" you say looking at him then looking over to Matt and nick

" if you want me to stop just say so" you say smirking " n-no don't stop" he says desperately. You reach your hand over to the waist band of his boxers slipping your hand in slowly, " ahhh " Chris moans loudly " shut up or I'm gonna stop" you say not wanting to get caught.

" let's go to your room" you say looking up at him, Chris nods and gets up and walks to his room. You get up following him but get interrupted " where are you two going" Matt says with a smirk on his face " to bed" you both say at the same time hoping to not sound weird " mhmm" Matt says " I'm just really tired " Chris says covering his erection with his hands

" okk but I'm going to bed so be quiet when you guys are sleeping" Matt says patting Chris on the shoulder as he walks to his room " shittt" you says walking down to his room " what are you doing " Chris asks 

" finishing what we started you coming" you say walking downstairs to his room " uhh yea " Chris says practically running to catch up with you.~

As you open his door you sit down on his bed and when Chris walks in to his room he walks up to you pushing you down on to the bed " take your clothes off " he says in a very demanding voice, you listen instantly taking off everything just like he said " fuckk your hot " he says kissing your neck leaving marks " c-chris " you say hoping he will stop " your going to leave marks " so what " he says kissing your neck and slowly moving down until he reaches just above your pussy " fuck Chris" you say pushing his head down

" what do you want princess " he says laughing softly and sending shivers up your back " I want you to eat me " you say and just as you finish your sentence you feel his finger sliding into you " ahhh" you groan, you moaning sent him off the edge and he started sucking and licking anywhere he could " fuck chriss " you say as you arch your back and grip onto his hair

" I'm c-close " you say as you feel him remove his finger and move up to look directly at you " not yet I want to feel you cum around my dick" he says and you nod moving to the head of his bed " take this off " you say tugging at his shirt and he listens he yanks the shirt off with one arm 

" holy shit " you say out loud not realizing
Chris laughs " you like what you see " he says while unbuttoning his pants " yes I do" you say still staring he pulls down his boxers letting his dick free " you sure you wanna do this I can get a little intense " Chris says smiling but you aren't paying attention to him cause your mesmerized, you knew it was big but not this big " eyes up here sweetheart " Chris says hovering over you as you look up at him" I don't think that will fit " you say looking up at him " I'll make it fit " he says as he's lining it up to your hole " ok just go slow " you say before getting interrupted by him putting 4 inches of him in you " fuckk Chris " you moan in pain but chris doesn't stop when you make that sound it only takes you a few seconds to get used to his length

" f-faster " you say through a moan
" are you sure " he says not wanting to hurt you " I'm sure " you say and without hesitation he gives you all of him pulling in and out going faster each time and hitting your g stop harder and harder every time " fuckk I'm close " he says and you agree through a muffled " me to " you feel a knot in your stomach telling you your about to reach climax " mmm chriss " you say moaning his name and before you can think you feel warm liquid fill you up and you follow short after " that was amazing " he says through heavy breathing " I agree " you say as he pulls out of you and lays next to you.

You sit up and grab your clothes from the floor and handing Chris his " thanks " he says " your welcome " you say heading to the bathroom to clean up, when you walk out you see that Chris is passed out on his bed. You lay next to him and fall asleep happy.

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