Beginners luck

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Hi sorry abt the disappearance for a lil. I just didn't have any motivation whatsoever.
But here's a really long one
I am posting a Chris one next for sure because you all wanted it idk when I will post it tho

Characters: Chris, nick, Matt x reader
Warnings: cussing, first time, smut (a lot of it)
Word count: 3263
This is not proof read btw
It was currently 1:30 and you had just finished showering. You were about to go to bed when you heard your phone buzz.  Sighing as you sat up to pick up your phone to see who texted you. It was Matt. Your best friend since you were little. Opening your phone as you clicked on the text to respond.

Matt: you still up
Matt: hello, ik your still up you stay up   till 4am every night.

You: yes Matthew I'm still up what do           you want

Matt: hello to you to grumpy pants
Matt: anywayyy what are u up to

You: really Matt your texting me at 1am to " see what I'm up to"

Matt: woww I can't text my best friend anymore.

You: matt.

Matt: finee I was wandering if i could have sum pics of you

You: um ig but why

Matt: because I miss your face that's all

You: mhmm you literally saw me 2 days ago but whatever you say
You: 5 images
You: that's all you get

Matt: thanks and can you come over tomorrow

You: yea I can what time

Matt: whenever

You: ok I'll see you tomorrow I'm going to bed goodnight

Matt: goodnight princess

You decided to go to bed because it was getting late, and you wanted to get to Matt's house as early as  possible.

It was around 11:30 when you woke up. You knew that Matt wouldn't be up until at least 1:00. So you decided to shower to hopefully pass some time. Once you got done around 12:45 you got dressed and put on some sweets and a tank top. It was pretty basic but it's fine because you were just going to Matt's house. When you got done getting dressed you put your shoes on and texted Matt saying that you were leaving.

He didn't respond so you texted him again. Still no answer. So you just decided to go to his house because you have a key and he did say you can come over whenever.

Once you got to his house you parked and got out of the car. You walked up to his front door pulling out your keys to unlock the door. When you got it unlocked you walked in and saw Chris on the couch in the living room.

" oh hey Chris sorry I thought you guys weren't home. Is Matt up?"

" umm I don't know I think he is but you can just go in his room. It should be unlocked but if it's not just let me know."

" ok thank you" you said walking to Matt room

" oh and by the way me and Nick are going somewhere in a little bit but when we get back we are going somewhere with Matt so just make sure Matt's up and ready by 3ish"

" ok will do"

When you got to his room you opened the door slowly just in case Matt was still asleep. Even though you were going to wake him up. Once the door was open you were met with Matt sitting in his desk chair his back facing you. So you couldn't really see what he was doing but you just assumed that he was on his phone or his computer.

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