Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: vox's strange feelings

Vox gritted his digital teeth as he threw his communication watch across the room, his head(?) glitching. "That skinny fuck!" Vox screamed as Valentino walked in pink smoke surrounding him. "What's the matter voxxy~?" Valentino leaned against a random desk. "Ugh- that snake couldn't even last a damn day.." vox grumbled as he leaned into his chair "so our spy failed?" Vox nodded and groaned as he got up. "He's not even worthy of being called a spy." Vox said with annoyance as he walked over to Valentino putting his head in his chest fluff "Aw you seem tense vox, want me to give you a quickie?~" vox chuckled slightly "as good as that sounds I have work to do." Valentino rolled his eyes and vox leaned off of him "well I'll be in the studio, I managed to get to angel to text me back!" vox huffed and this time he rolled his eyes "well run along," vox did a shooing motion with his hand as he turned back on his screens with a snap of his fingers "I don't want to hear about t
You're whore right now." Valentino chuckled "I'll call you later then voxxy~" it didn't take long for Valentino to leave due to him having long ass legs.

Vox flicked through his computers searching for a specific deer and soon found him the camera buffering slightly blurring Alastors image, vox hummed as he watched Alastor while also trying to find a computer where his image wasn't blurred. Finally finding one vox smirked to himself as he watched Alastor walk out of the shitty hotel. He was still upset about earlier, that stupid Bambi ripoff would pay embarrassing him on tv like that. He was vox, leader of the three Vs and creator of Voxtech- like hell he would let some old triangle ass deer beat him like this! At least that's what vox thought to get his ego back up. Vox sighed as he watched the screen at least he was noticed, even if a little. Earlier when he got angry and accidentally glitched so much he turned off the all the electricity in hell. He managed to recover quickly seeing alastor remix his previous lines was kinda awesome though annoying. It gave him a hint that Alastor was watching from the beginning, which he smirked even more at.

Vox knew he had a problem with this demon, not only were they rivals he actually got off when they used to fight and such, being able to match Alastor's strength was a great achievement. Though Deep down sometimes vox's mind would wonder off imagining if Alastor actually agreed to partner up with him bowing down to him, and working under him. Even though it would never happen a demon can dream huh?

Hell what if Alastor dominated him? Now that would be hot- wait what the hell was he thinking. Vox glanced at his pants and a small blush covered his screen. This couldn't have happened because he was thinking about Alastor right? Right? Vox thought about Alastor pushing his head into the dirt chucking at his pain and arousal.

His pants were slightly wet.


Vox covered his face, damn he was pathetic. Getting hard just from thinking about his rival? Acting like a damn virgin, he was Fucking disgusting. Vox looked at his pants once more the bulge still there, maybe he could call Valentino... no, no he's busy.. he was going to have to deal with this the traditional way..


Vox wiped his hands and thighs, pulling his pants back up he grabbed another tissue cleaning the now turned off screen.  Vox sighed as he threw the dirty tissues away his screen still filled with a soft blush. He had to get himself together, he had work to do. And some stalking..

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