Chapter 5 (unfinished)

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"Hmm do a little spin for me smiley"

Alastor and Angel were currently in the dressing room, trying some of the clothes at the hellmall "fine."

Alastor did a spin his eyes narrowed in annoyance, this was not how he planned his evening going.  "Ya look good bambi! I think this might be the one!" alastor turned to look at himself in the mirror a bit annoyed at how different he looked.

He wasn't used to wearing such casual clothes like this, (nor will he ever again) he was in a black turtleneck sweater wearing a red jacket with  outlines on the collar, his pants were black with white trimming and his shoes were his normal shoes he wore.

"This is a bit different from what I usually wear.." Alastor pointed out tugging at the jacket trying to cover his neck more. "Yeah obviously~ that's why I picked it." Angel smirked as he got up from his seat,

"ya but uh." Angel looks at his phone "I have to go, Cherri just texted me I'm sure you can handle ya self, see ya!" angel waved as he left Alastor alone "ugh.."

Alastor grumbled as he snapped his fingers the clothes he was previously wearing now neatly folded up, now back in his normal wear he grabbed the clothes and headed to the front desk. Paying for them he left the hellmall.

He was in the more modern part of town specifically near we're the 'vee's' were, a very stupid name he thought as he walked down the street the lights from building signs giving him a headache.

He would use his shadows but it was to bright to do so over here. Alastor's attention was caught by the familiar smell of strawberries, he couldn't help but feel the necklace in his pocket start to heat up.

He continued walking, the smell of strawberries growing stronger before he knew it he was right infront of the vees tower, mostly the porn district. "What am I even doing.."

Alastor asked himself as he struggled to walk away. Alastor slipped into his shadows and into the tower avoiding the guards, not that he was scared of them he just didn't want to deal with them right now. He soon found himself in Valentinos room the scent of cherry overwhelming yet calming in a weird way. The moth was nowhere in sight, which was good because he didn't want to deal with him either.

Alastor walked around the room looking away from the porno posters on the wall he easily found a desk wich he assumed was Valentino's.

Alastor was never the type of person to owe anyone something so he decided to give the moth demon something in return for the weird but mostly normal gifts. a demons heart appears in his hands, not the most fresh but it'll do.

Gently setting the cold and bloody heart on the desk alastor grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, his hand gently fiddling with it. As he wrote a short note, maybe this would stop the gifts, his closet was getting too full anyway.

Setting the note next to the heart alastor cleaned his hands with magic using his shadows to leave the building and back to the hotel with the faint smell of cherries and smoke on him.


The shooting went well, as usual. Putting the pipe to his mouth releasing the smoke with a huff, valentino  yelling at everyone to go to their respective rooms, do crack or something he really didn't care. Heading to his own room he paused at the smell of blood and rotten flesh seeping out his room. Holding back a gag valentino entered following the smell he found a demon heart and a note on his fuck desk. "What the hell..?"

Valentino huffed if this was one of them stalkers again he swears to Lucifer he will gut them. grabbing the slightly bloody paper, disgust was written on his face as he moved away from the bloody heart leaking on his desk "Maldito bicho raro"

Soo yeah- that's all I got 🥲 that's all I got. Uh anyway, any suggestions will be appreciated. It will probably help me be motivated to finish writing this chapter, and after this chapter I will start actually try to add a plot so I wont be posting anything new, that goes for my other books as well :3 thanks for reading this far lol

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