Hello Ross Family

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"Hello Rosses!" Jade says as she enters the Ross kitchen where everyone is

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"Hello Rosses!" Jade says as she enters the Ross kitchen where everyone is

"Open up the hanger, here comes the airplane" Ravi says to a bunch of baby lizards

"And I walked in on Ravi feeding lizards, what's new?" Jade says as the other three kids come over to hug her

"Omg Jade!" Emma squeals as she hugs the other blonde

"What are you doing here?" Zuri asks as she joins the hug

"Who cares why she's here! Hey pretty thang" Luke says as he walks over to her

"Hey Luke" Jade says as she hugs him with his arms around her waist and her arms around his neck

"No but seriously why are you here" Zuri asks again pushing Luke who goes back to eating his food

"I thought I would come and visit" Jade says as she puts her bags at the kitchen door

"Hi I'm Jessie, the kids nanny" The red head lady says as she comes to hug the dirty blond

"Hi I'm Jade, Emma's best friend" Jade says as she hugs back

"Also good luck" Jade whispers to Jessie as she goes to get some food for herself

"Ravi, do kiplings babies have to eat every meal with us?" Zuri ask as she sits down to eat again

"Not that we don't enjoy their little foot print in the butter" Jessie says as she picks one up

"Now, if I could just train them, to jump in the jam and scurry across my toast" Ravi says then there's a big bang in the kitchen and everyone looks at jade

"Yeah, um, I'm not gonna use that anymore" Jade says as she dropped the jam on the table that she was gonna use

"What is this?" Emma says grossed out as she picks up some skin from her plate

"Aww one of my little treasures has shed their skin! They grow up so fast" Ravi says as he hugs the lizard skin, then from beside Jade she watches as Luke pulls some lizard skin out of his mouth

"Yeah I thought this bacon was a little scaly" Luke says as he holds it up in the air as everyone looks at him grossed

"And yet, you still ate it" Jessie says from behind Jade

"Oh my god!" Jade yells as Luke puts it back in his mouth

"This is the most disturbing thing I've ever seen" Emma says looking at Ravi whose beside her

"Ahhh!" A random voice yells, as Bertram runs through the kitchen with a shower cap and a bath robe on screaming

"The second most disturbing thing" Emma says sadly

"I'm gonna unpack before I eat lizard" Jade says as she runs out of the kitchen

"I'm gonna unpack before I eat lizard" Jade says as she runs out of the kitchen

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AlexxTurnersMic I tried lol


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