Jade grew up?

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(Im sorry guys)

"Hey jade I'm bac- ahhh my eyes!!" Bertram says as he come out of the elevator to see the blonde girl on the couch kissing a boy

"Bertram! What are you doing here?" Jade says as she pulls away from the boy to see the butler covering his eyes

"I came back early because Mrs Ross is coming tomorrow" Bertram says as he picks up the bags that he dropped

"Well you could have let me know" Jade says as she stands up from the boys lap

"Who's this?" The boy asks Jade as he stands up next to her

"This is Bertram the Ross's butler, Bertram this is Mason my boyfriend" Jade says the last bit nervously as she bites her lip

"Your what?" Bertram asks in shock before he faints

"That's the butler?" Mason asks his girlfriend

"Unfortunately, help me?" Jade asks the boy who nods and starts to help lift the heavy man to the couch



"Wait so your telling me you have been dating that boy for a month and non of us knew?" Bertram asks the girl who nods mason went home earlier after Bertram was on the couch

"What about Luke?" Bertram asks Jade who looks down

"He said he likes a girl from school, so remember when rose came here the first day of school? Well I got his number and we've been talking since" Jade says as she takes her phone showing Bertram the texts

"Ok but what about the others do they know?" Bertram questions her

"No only rose, I'm scared to tell them I guess" Jade says before the elevator opens and reveals Jessie and the kids

"Well I'll tell them" Bertram says as he stands up to walk over "Hey kids how was school?" Bertram asks nicely boy seeing Jades glare on him

"Why is Bertram being nice?" Zuri asks suspense while they all stare at him

"I don't know, hey Bertram let's go cook food" Jade says as she goes to push him but not being able to move the heavy man "What do you eat" she groans

"Who cares! Guess what?" Bertram asks in a school girl voice

"What?" Jessie asks with fake enthusiasm as she looks through her bag

"Jades got a boyfriend!" Bertram shouts in excitement proud that the girl has one

"What?!?" They all yell as the drop they're phones and bags

"Jade! You what?!" Jessie yells towards the girl

"Yay my bestie has a boyfriend!!" Emma squeals jumping on the other blonde girl

"Yay! Does he have a brother?" Zuri asks Jade before hugging her

"Who is this fellow man?" Ravi asks his sister figure

"Roses, brother mason!" Jade squeals with the girls not seeing Luke's frown

"My baby girls all grown up" Jessie cries as she death hugs the poor girl

"Ok can't breathe" Jade yells from under Jessie

"Wait how come Bertram knew first?" Ravi asks the dirty blonde

"I found them making out on the couch"Bertram says to them all

"Ok, gross" Luke shouts as he stands up from the couch

"Young love, I remember my first boyfriend, we had our first kiss in the horse paddock" Jessie says as she daydreams

"Aww that's so nice" Jade says in adoration

"Yeah, until I fell and we both fell In horse poo" Jessie says in disgust

"Oh, well that's just sad" Jade said while scrunching her face up

"Well is he a good kisser?" Emma asks her best friend

"Yes he is so good, it's like I'm in heaven" Jade says dreamily

"That's good, is he hot?" Zuri asks before Jade show a picture to the girls

"Jesus he could be Jesus" Zuri says looking at how good the boy looked

"He is a good looking boy" Ravi says as he pats his sisters shoulder

"He's boy, he's not all that" Luke says in jealousy

"Yeah he is, a good looking boy" Emma says still looking at the picture

"Yeah whatever" Luke scoffs before running upstairs

"What's up with him?" Jade asks oblivious to his crush

"Don't know, show us more" Jessie says as Jade shows more photos




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