Mrs Ross

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"Modelling clothes? Boring, I don't even like changing my clothes" Luke scoffs as Jade walks into the kitchen to get breakfast

"We noticed" Jade scoffs as she kisses Christina's cheek

"Hey baby" Christina smiles at the blonde girl

"Count me out, last time I posed for you I ended up on a billboard dressed like a giant pepperoni" Zuri tells her mom with some sass

"You sold a lot of frozen pizzas"Mrs Ross smiles at her youngest daughter

"And I never saw a dime" Zuri squints her eyes at the blonde lady

"Mrs mommy, if you need me to perform this sacred duty for you, I would be honoured, I will not disappoint you" Ravi holds his chest where his heart is looking at the lady

"Suck up" Jade scoffs as she looks at the boy before Jessie hits her leg

"Relax dude, she's just trying to save money on models" Luke says as he punches Ravi's shoulder

"Jessie, would you be able to be my assistant on this project?" Christina asks the red head nanny who's making sandwiches

"You mean I'm off peanut butter duty? You got it, kids meet your new nanny, Bertram!" Jessie says as she puts the bread and knife down and unties her apron passing it to Bertram

"Oh there is no way- I'd pass up the chance to help out my little angels and their heavenly mommy"Bertram cuts himself off with a fake smile and fake enthusiasm

"Did you hurt your neck making that turn?"Jessie sasses to the butler who glares at her


"Why would mom design a teen clothing line without consulting me?" Emma asks as her and Jade sit at the table doing homework while Jessie makes the bags for the Clothing line

"Why would she have me put a live angora kitten in each of these gift bags? The rich are different" Jessie says before one of the cats in the bag hiss at her "Hey!" She says before it goes quiet

"Emma she probably just forgot" Jade says putting a hand in her best friend's shoulder to comfort her

"You know how busy your mom is, but she would never do anything to hurt anyone's feelings" Jessie comforts the girl before Christina comes around the corner

"Jessie, I am tired of you wandering off. Here, wear this" The blonde lady says as she shows a bedazzled dog collar

"That's a dog collar" The red head says saying what Jade was thinking

"No, it's a necklace with a GPS system, and rhinestones, see? Pretty" The Blonde puts the collar around Jessie's neck as the collar clicks in place

"And these are the sketches for my new line, file it under G for genius" Christina says holding the folder up as the two teens stand up to follow the lady

"Can we see them?" Emma asks her mom who nods excitedly

"Sure, so, what do you think?" The woman says showing the hideous designs making the three girls look at eachother

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